What is an FPGA?

What is an FPGA?

In the early days of embedded systems, software engineers typically had some understanding of hardware design. Indeed, in many cases,…

Why C is faster than assembly

Why C is faster than assembly

I am very interested in the pros and cons of various programming languages for embedded applications. Although I mostly favor…

Not so much of a puzzle

Not so much of a puzzle

Yesterday evening we had dinner with friends. The guy works on real time control systems and was talking about the…

Less puzzled

Less puzzled

Some weeks ago, I made a posting in which I presented some code and then considered how it might be…

A puzzle

A puzzle

I am always interested in some of the subtle effects that coding can have on not just the behavior of…

More on System-C

More on System-C

Some weeks ago, I published a posting from my colleague Richard Vlamynck, who was explaining the ideas behind System-C and…

System-C for embedded systems programming

System-C for embedded systems programming

I recent wrote about the similarity in software and hardware design, as they are both performed by writing code in…

Hardware designers and software

Hardware designers and software

As I work for a company that has traditionally had a strong focus on hardware design, I am particularly interested…

Dennis Ritchie and C for embedded

Dennis Ritchie and C for embedded

I was, of course, saddened to hear the recent news of the death of Steve Jobs. Since then, the Internet…