ARM TechCon 2012
This week, ARM TechCon 2012 is taking place in Santa Clara, CA. This conference seems to grow bigger every year, reflecting the significance of ARM devices in the embedded world. It is a 3 day event, with days 2 & 3 [Weds/Thurs] devoted to software and systems design.
Sadly, I am not attending the event this year, but a number of my colleagues from Mentor Embedded will be there …
Glenn Perry, GM of the Embedded Software Division is participating on a panel about the Internet of Things – considering whether the industry is at a tipping point.
Andrew Caples is making a technical presentation titled Software Design Considerations to Manage Power Usage in Battery Powered Embedded Devices, which looks in detail at the increasingly important topic of power management in embedded systems.
Phil Burr will present a session titled Taking Advantage of Quad Arm Cortex A-9 CPUs and ARM MALI GPUS for Rich Graphical Effects. For many applications, high quality user interfaces are critical and Phil will look at how they may be designed and implemented straightforwardly.
Srinath Balarama has a session titled Meeting Smart Energy Profile 2.0 Compliance: Developing Power-Aware Embedded Systems for the SmartGrid – another very topical subject area.
A number of my other colleagues, from elsewhere in Mentor Graphics, will be making presentations today [Tuesday] as part of the Chip Design Day.
There is a Mentor Embedded booth in the trade show area, so, if you are attending, do drop by and say hello. BTW, even though I will not be there, do feel free to ask for me – enough inquiries may secure my attendance next year.