PADS Tips and Tricks – Mounting Holes

PADS Tips and Tricks – Mounting Holes

Hello, I am starting a new regular topic to this blog – PADS Tips & Tricks.  These will be quick…

Is The Job Market Getting Better?

Is The Job Market Getting Better?

The past few months I’ve visited several customers, and they have all had similar comments – their businesses are looking…

Fabrication and Assembly Analysis?

Fabrication and Assembly Analysis?

Do it right the first time – we all first heard this from our parents as kids, and throughout our…

Gerber to ODB++ – Have You Made the Move?

Gerber to ODB++ – Have You Made the Move?

We’ve all used Gerber, NC drill, and Excel files for years (decades really) to output our fabrication and assembly data…

The Right Tools for Your Desktop

The Right Tools for Your Desktop

We have all been in this industry long enough to experience the rapid changes in technology. I started design in…

User Groups – Get Involved!

User Groups – Get Involved!

For those of us involved in the EDA industry, we’re all familiar with user group meetings. It’s a time to…

Desktop PCB and Technology

Desktop PCB and Technology

Mentor Graphics’ Technology Leadership Awards were recently announced. These awards recognize engineers and designers who use innovative methods and design…

With A Little Help From My Friends

With A Little Help From My Friends

If you have been listening to your radio the past month, you’ve probably noticed the Beatles “overload” thanks to their…

Design Reviews in a Virtual World

Design Reviews in a Virtual World

I was re-collecting with a colleague of my days back in design, and the design reviews we had. I can…