
You’re Invited! The PADS World Tour starts Sept. 15

As an engineer, your job is to get your job done – to overcome the specific design challenge you’re facing, make the appropriate design trade-offs, and get your product built. But how do you know if you’re making the right trade-off? With today’s increasing technology requirements, more information is needed, and it’s needed sooner than ever in the design cycle.

PADS_World_Tour_165x165The PADS 2016 World Tour kicks off next week, with events in more than 30 cities around the globe. Join us for discussions about the multi-domain challenges facing design engineers today, and how PADS and the new product creation platform can help you make better trade-offs early in the design process.

You will learn how to get design-specific information on signal integrity performance including DDR memory, how to validate your power distribution network, how to improve thermal performance, and more. You don’t have to be a customer to attend!

PADS is evolving as an easy-to-use, technology-rich platform for electronic product creation. Find out what you’ve been missing at a tour location near you. For more information about the PADS content creation platform, visit

See you on the road!


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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at