See BIG METAL ADDITIVE at our Virtual Realize LIVE event!

On June 24th, Slade Gardner from Big Metal Additive will be discussing the challenges and advantages of printing really big parts. The Big Metal Additive system is a 5-axis, hybrid metal printing/machining platform that can print large-scale parts from aerospace parts to car frames.
Optimized designs are often 3D printed at small scale, however large scale hybrid metal additive manufacturing provides the opportunity to produce these designs for industrial applications such as automotive chassis, aerospace prototypes and even Naval vessels. The Big Metal Additive process has been developed specifically to produce these types of large complex optimized structures.
We welcome you to join us on June 24th as Slade discusses the power of large-scale, multi-axis, hybrid 3D printing and how the NX Additive and CAM systems are used to efficiently program code that produces these geometries. This is definitely additive manufacturing on a scale you haven’t seen before.