
What’s New no Learning Advantage? Ply-Based and Multi-Ply Design Methods in Fibersim Pro

lamgeo.pngThe choice to design with composites is often driven by market demand and cost. The promise of mass reductions, performance improvements, material and assembly cost reductions can all seem enticing, but the nature of fiber reinforced plastics products require rapid changes in the way analysis, design and manufacturing is traditionally performed. Fibersim helps you to unravel the mysteries of these materials, and this new course helps you get up to speed with Fibersim.

The Introduction to Fibersim Course provides nearly 20 hours of video-and-exercise based instruction with downloadable model files and projects. Upon completion of this course, learners will be able to:

  • Prepare a CAD model for Fibersim work

  • Create splice and dart groupsradros.pngResolve Producibility issues by creating darts and splicing plies

  • Generate flat patterns, 2D and 3D documentation

  • Create overlay zones using Multi-Ply design method

  • Generate layers and plies from the overlay zones

  • Modify zone transitions and layer sequences

  • Generate offset surfaces and solid models based on zones, layers, and plies

  • Create splice and dart groups

manfeat.pngLearning Advantage, the Siemens customer learning portal, which is always free for educational institutions, has an all new Academic Resource Center with great resources specifically designed for the academic community. We are adding new resources daily and we’d love to hear from you! If you have suggestions for additional resources that you’d like to see, or if you’re a professor and would like to develop materials for us, let us know in the “Collaborate and Contribute Curriculum” Forum in the Siemens PLM Community!

Jennifer Bradford

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