
Siemens student ambassadors discuss creating startups on campuses 

By Clare Hong

In a 2021 global survey of nearly 300,000 undergraduate and graduate students, 50% of students expressed interest in pursuing entrepreneurship immediately after graduation or in the future. How many of those potential new ventures might actually get off the ground if the proper resources for a startup were provided during a student’s educational career?

Guided by this question, 119 Siemens Student Ambassadors and interns from around the globe gathered for the May hangout session to learn about “Entrepreneurship on Campus.” This presentation, held by a Startup Strategy Manager at DISW, was specially designed for STEM students interested in creating startups.  

The students discussed how entrepreneurship drives progress and economic growth, fostering personal development and providing innovative solutions to societal challenges. They emphasized the role of university programs such as technology transfer offices which offer legal support for licensing and patents.  

Additionally, the event gave students insight on the entrepreneurship centers that many different universities offer, which provide mentoring, networking, and marketing assistance to help student startups scale and succeed. 

To mitigate challenges like funding for startups, students discussed the Siemens Xcelerator for Startups program, which supports STEM startups with tools, design assistance, and collaboration opportunities at a discounted offering. 

What is the Student Ambassador Program? 

The Siemens Student Ambassador Program connects students, interns, and co-ops with a global network dedicated to promoting STEM education. Ambassadors engage with Siemens software in academic settings. One aspect of being a Student Ambassador is to engage peers through STEM outreach, such as teaching fellow classmates about Siemens tools including NX, Solid Edge, and Simcenter. 

Next steps and how to get involved

If you missed this session, don’t worry—more events are coming! If you are a student, intern, or co-op at Siemens Digital Industries Software interested in joining the Students Ambassadors Program, contact for more information. 

For more information on startups, explore the Siemens Xcelerator for Startups here. Learn more about Siemens’ support for the startup ecosystem here and check out the Pioneers: Startups from Dreams to Reality Podcast here

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