Siemens sponsors new award for PACE 2014-2016 RSMS Student Competition

PACE, the Partners for the Advancement of Collaborative Engineering Education, works to close the gap between education and practice. This year, the Pace Global Leadership committee selected Reconfigurable Shared-Use Mobility Systems (RSMS) as the project for the 2014-2016 Pace Global Collaboration project.
The competition addresses the growing need in urban areas for vehicle sharing systems. Given the density of urban living, RSMS offer an alternative to traditional modes of transportation by exchanging individual use for shared access. Students from PACE institutions around the world will bring together their expertise in industrial design, engineering, and manufacturing design to formulate innovative, transformative solutions.
Competing teams must address a number of factors including safety, efficiency, and appeal. Further, they must understand how the vehicle sharing systems they create will integrate within a larger sharing economy. Students enter up to three categories: bicycle, 3 wheel motorcycle, or neighborhood EV, and must accommodate passengers as well as cargo. Addressing a target market’s transportation needs presents global challenges and requires the students exercise a lot of creativity.
Siemens PLM Software recognizes the intense challenge students face in generating these solutions by offering the Siemens PLM Software PACE Excellence in Design and Simulation Award. The award goes to a team that successfully illustrates an effective use of NX design and simulation software. Students submit drawings or images of their design, along with a written report of their project’s use of NX software. The winning team will be announced at an awards dinner during the PACE annual forum in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
There has been lots of other PACE activities since the last newsletter, including a visit to India from our Academic Prgram Director Dora Smith who was there to visit various centres of excellence but also to recognise the official announement of 2 new PACE universities to the family, you can read more about that and other PACE Currciulum competitions at the links below:
Brigham Young University PACE Course Competition
Michigan Tech PACE Course Competition using NX CAM