
The digital mindset: How two companies used digitalization to disrupt the automotive industry

Innovators can see things that others can’t. Some can look at an empty space and imagine a factory that will build the automobiles they want to invent. They think this is the space that they can build a factory of the future.

In the highly-competitive automotive industry, when legacy companies are hitting the market consistently with new, state-of-the-art vehicles year-after-year, startups need an edge.

Digitalization turns product and process complexity into a competitive advantage. VinFast became its own digital enterprise and created the first fully digital automotive factory in South East Asia as well as introduce Vietnam’s first passenger vehicle brand, all within 21 months.

Check out their story and learn how they went from greenfield to regional and global competitor in under two years:

Click on the image to learn more about VinFast

Another automotive success story comes from Uniti. Digitalization allowed this Sweden-based startup to create an electric vehicle, ready for market in just two years. With collaboration and simulation software and services, Uniti Integrated the digital twin into digitalized engineering and manufacturing processes.

Check out their story to learn how they produced safe, clean and affordable vehicles that meet the environmental and sustainability needs of society.

Uniti uses digitalization and the software and services of Xcelerator to design, realize and optimize in less than two years.

Xcelerator is the catalyst for digital transformation. Learn more about the comprehensive software and services helping innovators build the products of tomorrow and prepare for a digital future.

Learn more about Xcelerator.

Steven Hartman

Steve Hartman is a Thought Leadership writer for Siemens PLM Software. Steve’s experience is varied spanning the automotive, financial, real estate, travel and sporting goods industries as well as having written four published novels and co-wrote a memoir. He has a wife, three kids, two dogs, a cat and a rabbit. And still, he carves out time to read, watch movies and write.

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