Thought Leadership

December 2019 Verification Horizons Newsletter is Out!

Verification Horizons

We’re happy to give you a special Christmas (or whatever gift-giving holiday you may celebrate this time of year) present: the December issue of Verification Horizons! In addition to a fun look at how the Harry Potter books and movies can be compared to verification, we have a great article on the verification of Deep Learning designs.

After a great analysis of classical von Neuman architectures vs. Convolutional Neural Networks for implementing Deep Learning designs, my Mentor colleague Jean-Marie Brunet and noted verification expert Lauro Rizzatti explain “Why Hardware Emulation Is Necessary to Verify Deep Learning Designs.” As you’ll see, it comes down to three main requirements to verify these CNN-centric designs:

  1. Scalability – supporting designs from several million up to 10 billion gates.
  2. Virtualization – moving the emulator from the lab to the data center making it an enterprise resource.
  3. Determinism – ensuring the same result from one compile to the next, especially when debug is factored in.

The issue has several other valuable articles as well:

Please take a look at the latest issue of Verification Horizons (downloadable PDF here). Feel free to leave a comment and let us know what you think. We also invite you to tell us what topics you might want to see in future issues. Enjoy!

Tom Fitzpatrick

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at