AI: A complement to human intelligence, not a replacement

The idea of intelligent, self-aware, machines has existed in popular culture and media for decades in everything books to video…

The future of AI and human intelligence

The future of AI is unfolding and it worries me.
I’m a software engineer and a large portion of my work day revolves around completing mundane tasks like writing emails, attending meetings, filli…

Autonomous self driving electric car change the lane and overtakes city vehicle

Autonomous self driving electric car change the lane and overtakes city vehicle

Computer vision. Object detection system. Artificial intelligence autopilot technology. Blueprint Faloff X-ray Style 3d rendering

The Future of AI part 1: early adopters and misconceptions

The future of artificial intelligence doesn’t look one single way. AI is poised to benefit a multitude of industries in a variety of different ways. What does artificial intelligence in the near-term…

The possibilities of AI: an overview of AI in the workplace

Artificial intelligence is a bit like a car. If you don’t fill up the tank, it’s not going to go anywhere. Artificial intelligence is fueled by data; therefore, it needs to be fed a consistent amount…

Future success means knowing how to implement AI

Companies must know how to implement AI to remain competitive as manufacturers continue into the next industrial revolution.
At its core, artificial intelligence is just a tool to do the things t…

Generative design helps design teams innovate faster

We all know what happened when high-performance computers armed with artificial intelligence competed in chess, Jeopardy and Go. They beat humans who were the reigning grand champions.


How generative AI is reshaping cybersecurity

During a recent series of cybersecurity talks host Michael Metzler, VP of Horizontal Management Cybersecurity for Digital Industries Siemens AG…

The evolution of industrial simulations

The adoption of digitization in the manufacturing industry has accelerated in recent years. Common objectives such as quality assurance, improved…