Three weeks and counting…

Riding the wave of success from the long-running, annual German Plant Simulation User meeting held in October 2013, we are proud to present the first Plant Simulation Worldwide User Conference on May 20th and 21st in Stuttgart, Germany.This conference promises to be a great event for all attendees to share their experience and success in the use of Plant Simulation while offering a fantastic opportunity for networking with Siemens PLM Software and its Plant Simulation Partners, as well as Plant Simulation users in many different industries from many different regions around the globe.You will be provided with German hospitality and presentations delivered in English by an incredible lineup of presenters who have graciously offered their time to share use case examples with all of us in the Plant Simulation community.
You can review the full conference details and agenda here.
You still have time to register for the conference!
I look forward to seeing you there!
Yours in Plant Simulation,
(on behalf of the entire Plant Simulation team)