
Realize LIVE 2019: Electric Vehicle Manufacturing

This is the first in a series of blogs featuring three Realize LIVE 2019 session and demonstration themes in the Tecnomatix track:  Electric Vehicle Manufacturing, Industries, and Digital Twin in Action.

Today we’ll tell you about the sessions and demonstration events focused on Electric Vehicle Manufacturing.  Check out what we have planned and register to attend our big event, June 10-13 in Detroit, Michigan. 

Breakout Session

Moving Electric Vehicle Manufacturing into the Fast Lane

In this session you will learn how Siemens manufacturing solutions can help your electric vehicle manufacturing business in key areas, such as light weighting, new joining technologies and, battery manufacturing and assembly. For those already in the electric vehicle manufacturing race or those looking to get in, digitalization in manufacturing is key. Learn how Siemens can help you to address the new challenges in manufacturing related to the production of next-generation electric vehicles by allowing you to leverage a Digital Twin of Production to mitigate risk and find the unknowns related to vehicle light weighting processes, advanced robotic assembly, increased interaction between operators and automation, and the planning of lines and facilities for new processes, such as battery manufacturing.

Presenter: Todd Bengtsson, Director, Siemens Digital Industries

Date:  Tuesday, June 11, 11:15AM – 12:00PM; Location: Room 33

Breakout Session

Productive Manufacturing Line Planning

This session will focus on the use of Siemens integrated tools for improved and more productive manufacturing line planning, including line design and optimization. The challenge of reduced time to market is not new in its nature, however, current methods no longer suffice to respond to the speed in which the market is changing. Line Builders in need of a Line Planning solution are looking for new ways to win business while, at the same time, reducing their engineering related costs. Learn how Siemens solutions, such as Intosite, Line Designer, Process Simulate and Plant Simulation, together can help manufacturing organizations like yours resolve continuous delays and costs overruns stemming from their inability to commission new or change currently running production lines in the time required.

Presenter: Noam Ribon, Manufacturing Engineering Software Business Lead, Siemens Digital Industries

Date: Wednesday, June 12, 10:00AM – 10:45AM; Location: Room 336


Advanced Robotics for Next Generation Applications

In this session you will learn about Siemens manufacturing solutions for advanced robotics simulation and commissioning. See first-hand how Tecnomatix Process Simulate Robotics and Commissioning solutions can be used for the planning and simulation of new robotic assembly processes, such as battery assembly and laser welding for electric vehicle manufacturing. You will also see live demonstrations of new features and capabilities within the tools to support your efforts to implement new robotic applications into your manufacturing processes.

Presenter: Shay Shomroni, Director Business Development, Siemens Digital Industries

Date: Wednesday, June 12; 11:15AM – 12:00PM; Location: Room 336


Human Simulation and Motion Capture in the Future Factory

In this session you will learn about Siemens manufacturing solutions for advanced human simulation, ergonomics and human performance, and human-centered design in the future factory. See first-hand how Process Simulate Human advancements support electric vehicle manufacturing and other trending topic areas, learn about new features and capabilities for improved planning and more realistic simulation of human operations, and get an introduction to human-centered design using NX Human. General Motors will join us to introduce an ongoing project highlighting their use of motion capture technology to enhance human simulation studies for the design of safer workstations. Human simulation has been an integral part of workstation design for several years.It can be used to help assess operator reach, vision, strength and overall workstation feasibility. While some work elements can be assessed using simpler studies of a single operator posture, others require more in-depth analysis of the operator’s actions across a full work cycle.Motion capture technology can augment the creation of these longer simulations by ensuring the motions being evaluated are true-to-life, and by decreasing the time it takes to create a study.An overview of how these tools are used will be presented.

Primary Presenter: Ryan Porto, MHK; Ergonomics Technical Specialist, General Motors;

Co-Presenters: Ulrich Raschke, PhD; Director, Human Simulation Products, Siemens Digital Industries; Christina Cort, MSc, CPE; Human Simulation Software Development, Siemens Digital Industries.

Date: Wednesday, June 12, 1:30PM – 2:15PM; Location: Room 335

Register now to attend these sessions and demonstrations.

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Stephanie Aldrete

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at