
Virtual Teamcenter Beta Event

A Grand Success: 45 Companies – 3 Testing Zones – 100% Virtual Event

This year, the Beta event looked a little different than years past. Due to the ever-changing global crisis that everyone is currently dealing with, we hosted the first-ever Virtual Teamcenter Beta Testing event. During the event, 75+ participants from 45 companies across the globe participated from a handful of varying industry segments (Aerospace, Automobile, Hi-Tech, Machinery, Healthcare, and Energy), in three zones – US, Germany, and APAC.

Integrating the Voice of the Customer into Teamcenter

Customer insights on overall functionality, usability, and reliability were the primary focus of this years’ event. This event also enabled our customers to experience new and enhanced solutions with Active Workspace 5 and Teamcenter 12.4. In turn, we were able to collect critical customer feedback on the software through issue discovery, live feedback sessions, and surveys.

Many thanks to all our customer participants for participating and providing valuable feedback, having an excellent discussion, sharing all of their good ideas, and thereby helping us to make Teamcenter and Active Workspace better. Thank you so much for your words of encouragement – – it means a lot to us!

Feedback from the 2020 Teamcenter Beta Testing Event
Feedback from the 2020 Teamcenter Beta Testing Event

Exploring Solutions Faster with Live Demos

Live product demos and use cases helped participants to explore solutions faster
Live product demos helped beta participants to explore solutions

We delivered 25 live product demonstrations of new capabilities to participants the week before the actual testing. This helped participants prepare for the hands-on beta testing event and gave them additional time to think about the upcoming enhancements. In addition to demos, we provided prescriptive business use case scenarios to test our product, which helped participants test more effectively and correlate those directly to their business needs. At the same time, it makes easy for them to offer feedback on functionality, usability, user experience, and overall product enhancement suggestions.

Collaboration with Customers Helps us Build a Stronger Product, Together  

Microsoft Teams helped us achieve consistent communication and collaboration. This made the conversations easier with our participants, by being able to articulate their input and feedback better and faster. Most importantly, we were able to respond to them quickly. We also leveraged these channels to share the related documents, demos, and other reference material effectively.

Beta Testing Makes a Difference in Product Success

During the week, customer participants spent a total of 1,727 hours on testing, with 23 hours of average testing time and reported approximately 250 + different valuable observations.

Around 25 suggestions were made into enhancement requests and logged into our upcoming product roadmap. The remaining observations were logged as required software fixes, out of which a majority of minor software updates.

We conducted 66 UX testing sessions for 16 Teamcenter domains like program planning, security, configurator, classification, etc. Customers were really pleased to see the enriched user experience in Active Workspace and shared their valuable inputs helping us drive user experience to the next level.  

We also provided surveys and daily live feedback sessions where customers shared their qualitative inputs on functionality, usability, and reliability with us.

Event Summary

Customer valuable inputs and feedbacks confirmed our confidence in functionality, reliability, and stability of Teamcenter 12.4 and Active Workspace 5.

By expanding capabilities and solutions to address customer business use cases, and increasing ease of use and deployments – it’s clear that Teamcenter is more powerful than ever before, and clearly positioned to help our customers achieve a high return on their PLM investment. Our customer participants were given the opportunity to know and hand-on on new capabilities and enhancements, which enabled them to plan configurations and future needs well in advance. Thereby, insights were gained from each perspective, a win-win for all.

As mentioned earlier, this Beta event looked different than years past. Thanks to everyone who participated and helped us host the first-ever Virtual Teamcenter Beta Testing event. We are so grateful to have flexible, committed customers who want to help us improve our products. Your valuable feedback, discussions, and ideas help us to make Teamcenter better for all. Thank you so much for your participation – – it means a lot to us!

Sandip Dalvi

Sandip Dalvi is part of the Teamcenter Product Management team at Siemens PLM Software division and works out of the Pune office in India. He is a multidisciplinary, technically savvy professional with 15 years of strong experience in Teamcenter PLM implementation, capability mapping, and R/D. He worked extensively on TC Solution capability mapping for customer business processes like document management, CAD data management, manufacturing data & process management, security, resource management, change management. He holds a Master in Mechanical Engineering with a major in CAD/CAM from Autonomous Institute of Engineering and Technology, Nanded, India. His experience for various international clients in US & Europe on an assignment like new solution design, solution redefinition, performance tuning, upgrades, data & process migration from TCEnt to TCUA, de-customization and PLM infrastructure & solution strategy

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