Striking a balance between carbon footprint and cost-effective manufacturing

Just carry on as before? – Unfortunately, that is not an option for industry when it comes to climate protection! According to the 2015 Paris Agreement’s global-warming cap, carbon emissions must be cut in half every ten years until 2050. Due to these new challenges, companies are looking for new strategies and opportunities that they can take advantage of. Car manufacturers and suppliers must reevaluate the sustainability of their products and value chains. Their biggest challenge here is to comply with environmental targets while at the same time ensuring cost-effective manufacturing and meeting the demands of consumers. How can companies advance their carbon-reduction goals—and their broader sustainability goals—while operating profitably?
One of the most effective ways for companies to reduce carbon footprint is embedding sustainability into product development, which determines an estimated 80% of the future carbon footprint. However, it is often the lack of information and non-transparency that prevents its successful realization.
With our Teamcenter Product Cost Management solution, you can assess product costs and carbon footprint at the same time. You also can get a holistic idea of how you can model, design, and produce without compromising emission goals.
Attend our on-demand webinar to learn how an integrated solution can help you to analyze the cost and carbon footprint of a product at each stage of the production process providing greater transparency.
In this on-demand webinar, you hear directly from our experts and learn:
- Understanding your product’s carbon footprint today by calculating the respective carbon emission drivers in your product
- For example: material substance, energy during production, transportation, etc.
- Analyzing the drivers and run what-if simulations with the target to identify measures on how to reduce your product’s carbon footprint
- Executing the measures to achieve your product’s climate targets
For details on Teamcenter Product Cost Management please visit our webpage and read our other blog posts.