
Leverage PLM Vis to Boost Your Productivity

By Robert_Hidajat

PLM Vis is an SDK that enables the creation of custom applications that include JT visualization. It is the Teamcenter Visualization API so think of it as your toolkit for creating a custom version of Teamcenter Visualization; all the visualization power of Teamcenter customized for your users and company specific processes. The resulting applications, created with PLM Vis, are highly efficient and they can make your Enterprise more productive.

PLM-Vis-main_tcm1023-235485.jpgCustom PLM visualization created with PLM Vis

Of course, some development effort is required, it’s worth it because of the productivity gains that you can get. By enhancing existing applications, customers are able to continue to work using their existing processes while improving productivity through the addition of visualization; for example:

  • An automotive company built a single modular, sustainable and extensible engineering application called the Common Engineering Client (CEC). The CEC provides easy access to relevant product development information including visualization by consolidating data from many sources; it offers a role and task based intuitive user experience that increases productivity and eliminates application training. Visualization is a key feature for the CEC to be effective for a wide range of enterprise users.

Customers also use PLM Vis to create new sophisticated applications that include visualization. These custom applications are the ultimate in productivity because they are company and data specific. They may also enable sophisticated capabilities that are not available in “out of the box” solutions. For example:

  • An aerospace company embedded controls in their drawing files to launch a 3D model view of the corresponding location. This reduced the time required to understand a complex drawing, identify potential problem areas and make modifications if required.

These are just two examples of how our customers are using PLM Vis to boost productivity as they implement their Model Based Engineering (MBE) vision. It’s an important part of the Siemens PLM visualization portfolio and offers the ultimate in flexibility with respect to user experience and integration with non Teamcenter data. 


PLM Vis based applications are robust, tailored to a company’s specific needs and enable faster, smarter decision making.


If you have a custom PLM application, think about how much more productive it can be with visualization. Consider adding visualization using PLM Vis.

For more information about PLM Vis, please visit our PLM Vis site.

For more information about Teamcenter’s visualization capabilities, please visit our Visualization site. 

JohnCropped2.jpgAbout the author

John Whetstone is the Director of the CTO Product Management and Marketing Team. Our team’s mission is to market Parasolid, D-Cubed, Kineo and the JT Toolkit to Independent Software Vendors. We also provide product management and marketing for PLM Vis, Geolus, the JT Toolkit and JT2Go. In addition, we champion Siemens PLM Software’s corporate openness policy by managing the JT Open program and actively participating in JT ISO and other standards related activities.

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