
What is enterprise PLM? The answer is today’s Teamcenter.

What is enterprise PLM? Have you ever been asked that question by friends or family? When you tell people what you do — or the kind of software you use, sell or develop. How do you explain the role of PLM in supporting the world’s smallest to largest manufacturing enterprises, from product development through delivery?

As Teamcenter has evolved as the world’s most widely used enterprise PLM software, the challenge has been to explain in simple terms the enormity and complexity of what Teamcenter can do to transform businesses … and help companies become more agile and adapt to disruptions, whether caused by changing technology, regulations, markets or competition.

If you’re a PLM user, where are you in your PLM journey? Are you primarily focused on product data management (PDM), controlling your designs, documents, BOMs and processes … or have you grown from PDM to reach more people, beyond functional boundaries, or outside your company to suppliers, partners or customers? Maybe you’ve extended from product development to manufacturing and service, or brought in requirements and program management. Are you using PLM to transform the way your business manages product costs, quality, safety, reliability, or sustainabilty?

Watch this enterprise PLM video to see how today’s Teamcenter can help you reach greater returns on your enterprise PLM investment, driving higher levels of overall efficiency and product performance. If you’re in the PLM business, share the video with your friends and family to show them the value of the work you do!

Margaret Furleigh

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at