
Arkisys and the Evolution of Space Entrepreneurship


We’re in the middle of a second space age, one increasingly driven by private industry. As more and more players enter the field, new frontiers have opened: among them in or near-space supply, multi-use platform development, orbital transfer, and even—in the future—manufacturing.  

Arkisys is a U.S.-based startup focused on developing infrastructure to support this burgeoning field of space-oriented actors. Here is how we’re helping them get there.


Arkisys is developing something quite interesting and unique; a platform that payloads can be hosted on and reconfigured in space. Current space platforms are monolithic satellites or even small satellites, but they serve a singular purpose; they’re not designed to be reused or repurposed after their mission is done. We’re designing a system that can be reconfigured after

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at