
Tips and Tricks from Forum Users #20

Here’s a collection of the most interesting tips and tricks derived from the discussions on the Solid Edge forum.

Compiled by Tushar Suradkar

About Tushar Suradkar

Tushar is a Solid Edge blogger and programmer for 23 yrs and manages his single-person consultancy by the name CADVertex Solutions that offers custom solution development using the Solid Edge API.

Write to him at

Due credit is given to respective contributors.

And a quick list of the previous compilations:

T&T #01T&T #02T&T #03T&T #04T&T #05

T&T #06T&T #07T&T #08T&T #09,   T&T #10

T&T #11T&T #12T&T #13,   T&T #14T&T #15

T&T #16T&T #17,   T&T #18T&T #19

1. How can I auto set dimensions that are whole e.g. 20.0 to 20 and dimensions that aren’t whole to round off e.g. 20.50 to 20.5

The Tip: A single setting in the Dimension Style dialog – Units Tab – Zeros group – Turn Off Trailing Zeros should take care of both.


Contributor: @hawcad

2. I am creating copper pipes mostly using a 3D sketch and need to obtain the total length of the 3D sketch. Is there an easy way to get the total length automatically?

The Tip: You can use the Frame feature in the assembly environment.You can create the 3D sketch using just lines and no need for drawing arcs. When you create a Parts List for the tube in the Draft sheet, adding the column for Cut Length will give the total length for the tubing as shown in this 1-minute video.

Contributor: @hawcad

Video by: @Tushar

3. I want to join two bent flanges together. Is there a feature that does this or will I have to create a tab on the top flange to get that face closer to the left flange?

The Tip: The Close 2-Bend Corner command will do the job. Here’s a video:

Contributor: @kjoiner

Video by: @Tushar

4. Is it possible to move or change balloon position without deleting it?

The Tip: To reposition balloons on a drawing view along the Alignment Shape, drag the handles. Alternatively, cut-paste balloons and reattach them to the view as shown in this video:

Contributor: @arekkul

Video by: @Tushar

TipIcon.png Read about 51 uses of the ALT key in Solid Edge

5. After an auxiliary view is created, is there any way to redefine it? I want to change the view alignment. In a section view, it is very easy to realign or change view direction. Can’t find similar modification way in an auxiliary view. Kindly suggest.

The Tip: Although there is no built-in method to modify Auxiliary views in Solid Edge, some ingenuity can go a long way in achieving the desired behavior and results. The following video illustrates this:

Contributor: @Imics

Video by: @Imics

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Compiled by Tushar Suradkar


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Tushar Suradkar

Solid Edge blogger, Programmer

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at