
Student Spotlight: Aaron Robinson

Aaron Robinson.JPG

Meet Aaron Robinson, a senior at Fountain Lake High School in Hot Springs Arkansas. As part of Fountain Lake’s project-based learning program, Aaron is learning that with the right dimensions and the right attitude, you can build anything in Solid Edge. Check out our brief Q&A to learn firsthand how project-based learning has made a lasting impression on Aaron’s career plans.

What do you plan to study after High School?
I know I want to go into some kind of engineering, but I have not narrowed my focus yet.

Has this class influenced your career choices?
Yes, the IPT class influenced my career choices. It made me want to figure more about how things work and how I can build them. It also encouraged me to learn more about the different types of engineering.

When did you first start using Solid Edge?
I first used Solid Edge when I started the IPT program in August of 2015.

Remote.jpgRemote control reverse engineered by Aaron

Where and how did you learn to use Solid Edge?
I learned how to use Solid Edge for one of our projects in our IPT course. Our professor assigned us different things to create in Solid Edge. The more we practiced using Solid Edge, the easier it became.

 What do you like best about Solid Edge?
The thing I like best about Solid Edge is how you can create just about any object you can see as long as you have the right measurements.

What’s the most interesting thing you’ve done in Solid Edge?
The most interesting thing I have done in Solid Edge was reverse engineering a case for my TV remote.

What have you learned about engineering or about Solid Edge during this class?
I learned how to use Solid Edge. I can make just about anything as long as I have the right measurements.

Who has most influenced you academically?
Benjamin Franklin influenced me the most academically.

What change do you want to accomplish in the world? Specifically what could you do using the skills learned in this class?
I could make something to help people using Solid Edge and a 3D Printer – a prosethic for people in need, for example.

Melanie Baeske
This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at