Still time to Enter Crazy Cart Design Challenge

Solid Edge is leading a design challenge with Luxion (Keyshot). Just download the parasolid of the Crazy Cart, make some additions or changes to the product, make a cool rendering, and win cool stuff like a Microsoft Surface Pro 3. Fire extinguishers to propel the cart? Brilliant! A shiny aerodynamic skin? Absolutely. Equip it with headlights and a GoPro? Now you’re talkin’. An offroad Crazy Cart? Definitely.
You have 12 days to submit an entry. Sor someone who already knows Solid Edge well, you’ve got a headstart on the rest. There are only 18 entries at the current time, so your odds of winning something valuable are pretty good right now, especially since there are 5 winners assigned, the first 3 of which win a Microsoft Surface Pro 3, worth at least $800.
If you’ve read up on these devices, you know that they are the hot new thing to have, allowing you to do your work and play, as well as just being crazy portable and powerful enough to run Solid Edge with authority!
Did you ever think it would be fun to design toys? Well here’s your chance. Start from the Outdoor Toy of the Year for 2014 and make some improvement to it. So come on, join the fun. The official rules and download links can be found here.