
SEU16: Built-In Data Management and Certification Prep


As a part of my series on What’s New in ST9, one of the topics I covered was the Built-in Data Management capabilities. Just in case you’ve already forgotten, yes, this is a big deal for small groups or individuals who still don’t use any of the data managment products out there.

It just happens that at SEU16 (Solid Edge University) this year, there is a 4 hour workshop (8am to noon) that covers these new tools in detail. You’ll learn from the people who specified and developed the new functionality. This session alone will be worth the trip to Indianapolis. And by the way, there’s an Early Bird deadline coming up on July 31 which will save you $150 on the conference full price.

Data management is one of those things that everyone hates, but it can make or break your engineering operations. Solid Edge has incorporated new tools for searching, vaulting, revision tracking your models and drawings, and they are even willing to spend some time with you to figure out how to use these tools. It will be the best 50 bucks you ever spent.


Plus, as long as you’re going to be at SEU16, you’d better make the most of it. That means free certification, and even a free preparation session for the exam, right after lunch. Certification is sorting out who’s-who in the Solid Edge community, and everyone’s favorite Wayne Mahan will be on hand to help you prepare for the exam. Then take the exam right after the preparation session.

And then at 6 pm that evening relax with the famous Solid Edge Welcome Reception. Food, Drinks, Friends, Bigwigs. This is a great opportunity to meet Solid Edge community members, employees, executives, fellow users, and so on.

Learn more and register today!

Matthew Lombard


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