
SEU15 Begins!


Solid Edge University 2015 is getting started. I’ve met several community members already. People have been checking in for the Developer Day and the Design Management sessions that get started before the main event, so it has been a little slow, but folks are coming in.

I’m sitting in the registration area this morning, so I get to see everyone as they come in. I just got to greet Philip Norman as he was wheeling in one of his robots for his keynote tomorrow.

This evening is the main reception, and that’s when you get to see who has made it this year, get a little bit to eat, a couple of beers, see some cool products designed in Solid Edge, and talk to all the executives. Everyone is in an upbeat mood so far this morning. It’s a good time to be an Edger.

Solid Edge University is obviously one of my favorite events all year. More than anything, it’s the kick-off to the best part of the blogging calendar. Solid Edge University gives great stuff to write about for months to come.

Stay tuned for more as it develops. Follow your favorite info outlet. I’ll be holding down the blog, along with some others, and other folks will be putting out blow-by-blow  in the Twitter and Facebook feeds.

Matthew Lombard


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