
Settings: File Locations

It seems that a lot of CAD Admin type information can be hard to come by, but also very valuable for people who come through here. I’m using my own learning experience with various aspects of this software to drive some discussions about various topics. CAD Admin is a huge and probably underserved topic that we should be discussing and trading ideas on.

One of the more basic ideas in CAD Admin is where to store your common files, how to reference them, and identifying exactly which files need to be shared. When you have a collection of users, you don’t want to duplicate the same files in different locations, which adds to your workload for changes, and also runs the risk of changes creeping in to stored files.

So how do you at your company deal with storing shared files, like templates, macros, property files, and other types of files? Do you use mapped drives or UNC paths?

Matthew Lombard
This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at