
Samples for Solid Edge on CodePlex

By jnewell


I’ve said it before but it’s worth mentioning again. One of the biggest challenges to learning the Solid Edge API is the sheer size of the API. The Solid Edge API is HUGE and takes a considerable amount of time to learn. It’s also not always obvious how certain APIs work and can be a challenge to get right. Throw in the various programming languages (they all work differently) and you’ve got yourself a headache. Snippets can be helpful but often not enough to accomplish a specific task in full. Documentation will get you so far but what programmers really need are examples. Solutions and projects in our favorite language that we can open, compile and start learning.

Welcome to the Samples for Solid Edge project on CodePlex. CodePlex is an open source project hosting site. This project was created and is dedicated to providing high quality examples of how to use the various Solid Edge APIs. API samples, full demos and addins are available in C++, C# and Visual Basic.

API Samples

The C# and Visual Basic languages contain an API Samples solution that has a user friendly GUI. Simply navigate to the desired API andor environment and executedebug pre-built samples.



Full demos are created when providing a simple API sample is not enough. As an example shown below, the Mouse Events demo demonstrates how to create a Command object and leverage its Mouse property and events to select graphical objects in the Solid Edge GUI.



There are also several addin projects that demonstrate how to create addins for Solid Edge. AddIns can be very complicated and difficult to get right. These projects demonstrate what is possible. The following screenshot is from the RibbarBar addin project.



I do my best to think up quality examples that you all want and need. If you have specific examples that you would like to see, feel free start a discussion with me in the project forums. I am also interested in ANY code examples that you can and are willing to share. It’s much easier and faster for me to convert an existing example than it is to create one from scratch.

Thank you to all who have contributed examples so far. As I said in the closing statement of my A new beginning post, we are stronger together than we are as individuals.

Jason Newell

Jason is a Solutions Architect for Charles Machine Works in Perry, Oklahoma. As a 21 year IT veteran, Jason is well versed in a broad range of software technologies and programming languages. In 2005, Jason started JasonNewell.NET, a website dedicated to expanding the Solid Edge developer community and offering consulting services. Through his website, he was able to acquire Siemens PLM Solution Partner status and soon began consulting for Siemens PLM directly. Through his consulting efforts with Siemens PLM, Jason takes a leading role in expanding the developer community by contributing to the Solid Edge SDK, authoring open source projects and speaking at conferences.

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