Rendering Contest Winners

Well, I’ve personally had a lot of fun with this model, and it looks like some others have as well. Thanks to everyone who submitted, including the Siemens people and partners who weren’t allowed to win, but still contributed to help break the ice with submissions.
Craig_H, this month’s winner, is also going to have some fun in Cincinnati this fall, with a free pass to SEU15. SEU is shaping up to be a nice event this year, with a lot of stuff to learn about Solid Edge and Keyshot. Richard Funnell, global trainer for Keyshot will be there giving hands on sessions and breakouts to help you render like a pro.
Craig did a great job on the Tbucket. He lowered the car, which my original model needed, added a different engine which looks nicer, put some tread on the tires, changed the front wheels, and turned them, which also helped. The hot rod community is all about customization, and that’s where Craig went with this. Of course using a cool plane as the backdrop really helped as well. I liked the flat paint, too, a bit different from the usual metallic gloss.
And then Sean Cresswell placed his tbucket in his picturesque native New Zealand.
Sean wins his choice of branded swag from our Solid Edge grab bag.
Putting CAD models into existing scenes is so easy with Keyshot, and these renderings are great examples of that.
If you didn’t get to participate in this contest, there will be another one coming up soon. We will provide a model, you download it, customize it, and render it. We will put together some prizes for you. Thanks again to all who participated!