
Lightweighting your designs: watch our webinar replay

A replay of our recent webinar “Optimize your product design for lightweighting” is now available. The focus of this webinar is how new technologies including generative design and additive manufacturing are opening up possibilities for new design ideas that minimize weight and material usage, and that take advantage of flexible manufacturing solutions.

Jim Wright presents a demonstration of applying Solid Edge generative design to the creation of an aircraft seat support, and explores some of the possibilities for applying different design parameters to optimize around weight reduction and manufacturability. Another case study presented is the design of an accelerator pedal, where a welded assembly of four parts was replaced by a single component.

The live webinar on 25th March 2020 has been our most popular webinars to date, showing there is considerable interest from manufacturers globally in this topic. Spend just 30 minutes to watch the replay – it may well spark more than one idea for how you can apply new technologies to your design process.

David Chadwick

David works in business development focusing on the Solid Edge portfolio and is based in Huntsville, AL, USA.

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at