
Free On-Demand Training for Wiring and Harness Design

Training – the one thing most people loathe but can’t do their job without. Why is it that most of us dislike training so much? Is it the time spent? Is it because sometimes it’s a check-box requirement that doesn’t actually teach us anything? Or, is it like what I usually experience – I think I understand everything while I’m in the training session only to go into an application later and find my mind blank.

Personally, I’m a hands-on person, so if you are like me, you learn by doing, not by listening to a bunch of folks talk about something. I have to play around with something in order to find out what I don’t know. Then, I can dig into figuring out how something works.

Training_1.pngSo, it was with some skepticism that I looked at the new on-demand, video training offerings for Solid Edge Wiring and Harness Design tools. I knew I wasn’t going to have a live trainer, so I couldn’t ask questions. What was going to happen when I reached a spot I didn’t understand? 

I took the training with these thoughts in mind, probably not the most open way to approach my training. But, I must admit, I was pleasantly surprised. Not only was this perhaps the easiest training I’ve ever gone through; it was actually engaging.  

Video-based training is fast becoming a widely accepted trend; video content grabs a person’s attention quickly, and without even realizing it, the viewer quickly becomes engaged with the content. It works for all generations, but it is almost essential for today’s millennials who grew up in our video-engaged world. I mean, who doesn’t look to YouTube to figure out how to do something? I know I do and I’m, well, let’s just say I’m not a millennial.

There is actual scientific evidence behind this. According to Psychology Today, the human brain processes videos 60,000 times faster than it does text. According to, people typically remember 10% of written words, 65% of visual content (think PowerPoint – ugh), but 95% of audio-visual content. And, International Data Corporation reports 80% of internet traffic in 2019 will be video.

So, it’s no surprise that training has turned to video.  Ever on the forefront, Siemens has been conducting on-line training for some time now. These new on-demand, video training modules for Solid Edge Wiring and Harness Design are just another example of that. 

These training modules allowed me to go at my own pace, at a time most convenient to me, which is especially helpful in these days of almost mandatory multi-tasking. And, I could focus on just what I needed rather than having to watch every chapter. The labs are pre-loaded with all the necessary fully licensed software and exercise data and are easily accessible via a Web browser from any location with internet access. You can even leave and return to your previous status with no loss of data.


The Solid Edge Wiring and Harness Design on-demand training library includes short 5-7 minute task-based videos, knowledge checks, chapter assessments and hands-on labs through a virtual lab platform. Access to the introductory modules is free for 30 days. If you find this tool helpful and want to learn more, your local distributor can provide you with a 30-day free trial license of the software itself.

I challenge you to try Solid Edge Wiring and Harness Design software to see how easy it really is to design wiring schematics.  Just create a profile at, select Start Free Trial and you are on your way. You might find out that training can be fun.

Jayne Scheckla

Solid Edge Product Marketing Manager

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