Solid Edge ST7 Released

This is fresh off the presses, or at least fresh from my inbox. Laura Watson has said that ST7 will be ready for customer download by early next week, and that English DVDs ( should begin shipping in a couple of weeks, with other languages to follow.
ST7 has, among a lot of other enhancements, Keyshot added to it so you can make cool renderings easily. If you’re interested in that, stay tuned because I’m going to announce a monthly rendering contest once a few of you have downloaded and installed the new version.
Remember that there is a a lot of other cool stuff in ST7 too. If you want to be reminded of all the articles on ST7 that have been written, just type “ST7” into the search box in the upper right corner on the gray bar, and a list will pop up.
I’m very excited to see what kind of cool stuff you all will create with this great new version of the Solid Edge software! Thanks for your patience on the release, I hope you’ll agree that this version from both the content and quality points of view is one that has been worth waiting for.