Dreaming of a white Christmas – Season’s Greetings

When George Michael hits your radio five times a day, you know it’s there: Christmas time. I don’t relate to his lyrics. I did not give my heart to anyone last Christmas. And if I would have, I sincerely doubt she’d give it away the next day. Yes indeed, I am saving it for someone special. But then again, not particularly in an attempt to saving myself from tears.
I am driving home for Christmas. Next to the song title, my dashboard displays the outside temperature: 14 degrees. I am confused. Nature is. Last weekend I even saw a hedgehog in our garden. The poor animal looked puzzled, as it should definitely be hibernating by now. Is this what they call global warming? Or is all that just another story they try to sell us? And what happened to the ozone hole meanwhile?
Although I do think it’s important to look critically at all information we get, I am generally not a big fan of conspiracy theories. Definitely not if they relate to the protection of our planet. There are millions of reasons to do that. So if fear for global warming can help us be more conscious, then why question it?
I was happy to hear so much positivity after the Paris conference two weeks ago. It was a bright spot in what has been quite a depressing year. It shows at least some consensus on a global scale is still possible. Now I wonder how all these agreements will gradually affect our daily life.
Ironically, it’s clear that industries that are often held responsible for getting us into this situation in the first place, will have to take the lead in making the change. You, our customers, will need to engineer cleaner energy and transportation, and manufacture tomorrow’s products with lower emissions. We, your supplier, need to help you do that. Challenging times are ahead of us. Together, we will start a revolution.
For decades already, you can count on LMS solutions from Siemens PLM Software to effectively develop environmentally friendly products. LMS 1D modeling lets you investigate product architectures and select the most energy efficient concepts. LMS 3D simulation helps you reduce weight, or create mechanisms with less friction. LMS Testing Solutions allow you to improve simulation models and do final product validation. And LMS Engineering experts can assist you in any step of your development process. These are just some examples.
In 2016, you can continue counting on us. We will further innovate our solutions and deliver you a platform that makes you even stronger than you are today. Using our tools, you will be able to convert your ideas into products that will change the world. Together we will make it happen. We will take the necessary steps to make sure also the next generations can be dreaming of a white Christmas, just like me.
Meanwhile, I wish you a Merry Christmas and a very happy 2016, on behalf of the entire LMS Community team.