Cloud Computing – How Can It Help You?

Cloud computing is more than just a trend or buzzword for the software and technology industries. The term has been around since 1996 according to some sources, though its origins are still hotly debated. In the past ten years, cloud computing has obviously exploded. So, why should you care? We’re going to look at that in more depth in this blog post, but to sum it up: It’s easy to use and will relieve a lot of the pressure placed on you by industry demands.
Now with the recent expansion of the simulation solutions we offer on the cloud with NX Nastran through our partner Rescale, you can perform even more kinds of analyses on-demand faster than before. Let’s look at how and why cloud computing is a good thing for you.
Simulation continues to rise in importance to businesses across industries. The results from the analyses you perform help drive critical design decisions, and more and more companies are beginning to rely on those results sooner in the product development process. You can read more about simulation-driven design in previous posts, but the point is you are under constant pressure to get results faster than ever before.
It can seem like an uphill battle when you consider the longer solve times large model sizes require. Model sizes continue to increase, driven by ever-increasing product complexity and a demand for higher fidelity models. Thus, the amount of time it takes to achieve simulation results is also growing.
Add to that the fact that there are not enough analysts in your department to handle a spike in simulation demands, as is frequently the case in companies these days. This means you have too much work on your plate and not enough time to do it! Combined with the pressure for increased efficiency and faster solution times, it’s a wonder you’re not totally stressed and overwhelmed! Or, maybe you are. Either way, you have a need for speed (cheesy, I know, but you know it’s true).
The good news is cloud computing can help. Cloud computing makes parallel processing a viable solution for companies that lack the necessary resources to invest in the extra licenses and top-of-the-line HPC hardware required. So, say your company decides to use NX Nastran on the cloud. How will this impact you?
Here’s where the benefits of cloud computing come in. With Rescale’s on-demand cloud, you have access to as many cores as you need for a given job through a pay-per-use system. This allows you to decrease solution times, so you get the simulation results your company needs up to 10 times faster. This gives you the time you need to cut through simulation bottlenecks caused by an increased demand during peak times.
Better still, NX Nastran is easy to use on Rescale’s platform. Rescale manages every step of the process from software, middleware, infrastructure, to even the IT staff that support it. You can set up even large analyses in a matter of minutes right from your web browser. Just upload your model, set your inputs and outputs, and run your simulation.
You will get the power of the leading FEA solver for computational performance, accuracy, reliability and scalability at a more cost-effective price. You can perform virtually any kind of simulation you require with NX Nastran on the cloud, with solutions for stress, vibration, structural failure, heat transfer, acoustics, and aeroelasticity. As I stated earlier, we have recently expanded that offering to include thermal and fluid flow analysis as well!
You know you’re getting a solution you can trust, because NX Nastran has been an industry standard for more than 40 years. If you want to learn more, you can watch the video below and sign up for the FREE webinar Wednesday, October 28 at 11 a.m. Eastern / 8 a.m. Pacific. Rescale and Siemens will be hosting Accelerate the Process of Engineering Design with NX Thermal/Flow on Rescale so be sure to join us!