Simcenter Testlab 2019.1: What’s new?

Simcenter Testlab 2019.1: Development teams around the globe are moving from verification-centric engineering methods and towards model-based engineering.

Automotive Testing Expo Europe 2019: How was it?

You know how it goes. You return from an industry show to your office and then there is this one question that keeps coming back: ‘How was it?’ That’s why I thought to share with you some highlights …

Automotive Testing Expo 2019: Sneak Preview

Automotive Testing Expo organization has started the final countdown to open the gates of the 2019 edition. Starting May 21, thousands and thousands of professionals will arrive to …

Electric vehicle NVH challenges: The mindset and tools you will need

The question of the day is – would you buy an electric vehicle (EV) today?
Maybe. Although, during the upcoming years, you are more likely to answer: “Yes!”. Let’s face it. Aver…

Vehicle NVH testing in operational conditions: Shift into higher gear

Automotive NVH testing in operational conditions
Do you, as an NVH test engineer, regularly face the situations when you need to redo some measurements? For example, due to erroneous instrumentat…

GVT Master Class: 3 Reasons why you should attend the next edition

Avoid flutters in your knowledge
We all are somehow part of the fast-spinning world of technical innovation and keeping up with changes has never been more important.  Consequently, e…