Learn more about service lifecycle management Realize LIVE 2023

Join us at Realize LIVE 2023 to learn more about end to end service lifecycle management with integrated solutions for service engineering, planning, and execution.
Realize LIVE 2023
Realize Live 2023 is nearly here! Whether you are attending our Americas event in Las Vegas, Nevada or our Europe event in Munich, Germany, Realize LIVE 2023 promises to provide a unique experience to learn from your peers and experts, network with old friends and make new connections, and get energized to take on new challenges within your organization.
Realize LIVE Americas
12-15 June 2023
Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas
Realize LIVE Europe
10-12 July 2023
Infinity Hotel, Munich, Germany
With unique sessions from industry experts and your peers on the topic of service lifecycle management you’ll learn more about improving your product service outcomes with an integrated strategy.
Service Lifecycle Management sessions to look for in Las Vegas:
Tuesday, June 13th – 3pm, Location: Breakers K, Siemens Energy: Teamcenter and Salesforce propelling Siemens Energy Transformational Journey
Wednesday, June 14th – 11:30am, Location: Mandalay H, Siemens and IBM: Extend your digital twin for service management and lifecycle excellence
Wednesday, June 14th – 1:45pm, Location: Mandalay Bay B, Teamcenter Service Lifecycle Management hands-on training
Service Lifecycle Management sessions to look for in Munich:
Tuesday, July 11th – 1:30pm, Location: Ammersee 1, Wartsilla – Service Planning with Teamcenter Service Lifecycle Management
Wednesday, July 12th – 10:15am, Location: Bodensee 1, Siemens and IBM: Extend your digital twin for service management and lifecycle excellence
We hope to see you there!