
What’s new for Polarion X for Automotive 2404

By Alexander Heyers

The demand for solutions for automotive functional safety and cybersecurity remains very high – especially as the complexity of systems continues to increase.
Vehicle users expect even better integration of a wide range of services. More and more assistance systems are penetrating vehicles, increasing both occupant safety and comfort, but also placing more demands on the systems for integration.

User guidance and the interaction of system components require a high level of software solutions. And this is where regulations such as UN R155 (Cybersecurity Management) or R156 (Software Update Management) and the cybersecurity (ISO 21434) and functional safety (ISO 26262) standards come into play.

The updated Polarion X for Automotive 2404 release provides several enhancements in the usability like alignment of Functional Safety and Cybersecurity User Interface and updates towards Web Content Accessbility Guidelines (WCAG) compatibility as well as inline editing capabilities. Furthermore we added enhanced support for the Risk Treatment decisions and Cybersecurity Goals.

Functional Safety

Based on ISO 26262 allowing the management of functional safety artifacts, like your Hazards, Safety Goals, Functional Safety Concepts and more.
It allows you to complete your Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessments (HARA) and your Failure Modes and Effect Analyses (FMEA) directly in Polarion X.


Based on ISO 21434 allowing the management of cybersecurity artifacts, like your Item, Assets, Damage and Threat Scenarios and more.
This solution makes Polarion X your Cybersecurity Management System allowing the completion of the Threat and Risk Assessments (TARA).

Integration with Development Projects

With the updates we enhanced the possibility to connect the Functional Safety and/or Cybersecurity Artifacts like Requirements or Goals directly in your development project. This allows a seamless dataflow from safety/security experts to system engineers and back:

Evaluation and Learning More

If you are interested, you can test drive both solutions here (available August 1st). The link includes an in-app tutorial to make sure you are not missing anything.

To find out more on Polarion X for Automotive, visit our website here.

You can visit the Polarion X community here.

Polarion for Automotive is also available for on-premises users. See our extension portal for more information here.

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at