How Save and Delete Hooks help the Wishlist Assessment Center
02 December 2024
Since the Wishlist Assessment Center worked well in Polarion last year, its features have been further extended.
The children still submit their wishes as a Polarion LiveDoc, where every wish is a work item.
Before the presents can be produced, the wish list must be accepted in an assessment center.
Like last year, the elves need to provide a comment when they decline a wish list due to the RequireCommentForDeclinedSignature save hook added by elf Kevin.
To reduce the workload of the assessment center, elf Kevin implemented the AutomaticallyProceedToNextStatus save hook that changes the status of the wish list to Accepted once an elf has signed off.
Afterward, the elves need to document the production steps for each wish.
Since they don’t want to number the production steps manually, they asked elf Kevin to implement the TableRowNumberer save hook to number the steps automatically.
The elves sometimes use hyperlinks to reference other wishes in the production steps. Since the hyperlinks don’t provide full bidirectional traceability, elf Kevin also created the Hyperlinks2LinkedWorkItems save hook to sync the hyperlinks in the table with the linked work items section.
Last year, an elf with admin access accidentally deleted a wish. Since none of the wishes must get lost, elf Kevin added the PreventDeletion delete hook to ensure that not even admins can delete wishes or complete wish lists.
In the good spirit of Christmas, elf Kevin shared the hooks with the Polarion community.
They are available at:
If you want to contact elf Kevin, you can write him an email:
Special Thanks to Kevin Schmiechen from TUM!