Digital Polarion Advent Calendar 2022

Christmas is coming again and we would like to say
…to all our customers, partners and users for a great year 2022!
Hereby we would like to give something back in the stressful pre-Christmas period and enchant you the month of December with small Polarion presents.
So be excited about the 1st of December and the following 23 days and open 24 Polarion Advent Calendar Doors with us.
Stay healthy!
Your Polarion and Partner Team
01.02: How Santa creates the UI for his Christmas Wish List
Santa Kevin Schmiechen from TUM-FSD and his helpers Matthias Bittner from eRC-System GmbH and Jochen Bärthlein from Siemens used their time off in the summer to improve the Active Questionnaire extension. It is an extension that allows you to quickly create custom UIs and actions. They figured the release of the new version 1.2.1 is the perfect little present for the first door of the Polarion advent calendar. Find the download and changelog here:
You can find the project containing the report page in “Default Space/Send your Wish” here:
The code for the configuration from the video can be found in this PDF:
02.02: How Santa finds critical Wishes with AI
Before 2020, Santa had to scan every single one of the billions of wishes by hand. But today this is done using AI. This AI identifies critical wishes that could create a cost overrun and endangers his business model of gifting. Santa has to watch his budget, too. There is just so much money that he made from these great fancy TV ads.
The solution is using the software DRIM, which is using Polarion as database. It allows you to easily import requirements from all kinds of sources like mails, pdfs, excel and word. The AI can identify individual requirements automatically, group them by topics and find critical ones. The main use case is to improve the answering speed of tenders, while simultaniously reducing the risk of overlooking important requirements. And if you win the tender, you’ll be able to start your projects based on the requirements which are synced to Polarion by DRIM.
If you want to analyze your tenders/RFQs with the help of DRIM AI and Polarion please check out web page or reach out to
Special thanks to Bernt & DRIMCo team
03.02: Santa integrating Redmine for Project Management
Santa still uses Redmine to organize all the wish lists, while his little helpers are using Polarion in their digital factory to keep track of the status of all the wishes. But how can they align both management tools to be sure every wish list will be fulfilled?
This can be solved with the Redmine plugin from Invenio which connects Polarion and Redmine to share information or create new work items in Redmine directly out of Polarion.
Do you have a similar use case to Santa and his elves? Then contact Invenio via their homepage or send an email directly to
04.12.: Santas Mobile App to check the Behaviour of Kids
In order to find out the behavour of the kids, Santa is checking on them over the year. To provide the information he gathers to the factory, he has a Mendix app. The data entered will be synced back to Polarion. And it even works, when working in remote areas where he doesn’t have access to mobile internet. He simply puts the app in offline mode and syncs the data as soon as he’s back where he has access to the internet.
Such an app can be quickly developed with our low code platform Mendix. Mendix allows you to create user interfaces of apps per drag and drop and logics can be created in a visualized way, instead of writing everything with code. You can try out Mendix for free. And load the sample Polarion app that works with your Polarion instance (also a local one): Polarion Sample App. The sample app makes use of our Mendix-Polarion integration and showcases how you can create an app for Polarion.
05.12.: Elves Admin Tips: Default Favorite Shortcuts
The admins of Santas Polarion system want to share some small tips & tricks. They noticed that some of the Polarion users created clever shortcuts, that sped up their work. To share the favorites with the rest by default, they wanted to copy it into the project configuration. In todays video you’ll see how they did it.
06.12.: How Santa notifies his Elves that it’s Christmas Time
Santa shows us how to display daily changing messages to our Polarion users, using the new HTML Snippet Injector coming with Polarion 22R2 – so that no-one of the users e.g. forgets to buy a christmas tree… or about an upcoming Polarion update…
Please find the download of the Polarion project containing the documentation and all scripts here:
07.12.: How to put Polarion into Christmas Mode
Santas admin elves added a small „easter egg“ into the work item form configuration. If the users click on the Christmas tree it will turn Polarion into Christmas mode.
To add this to your form configuration you need the Velocity Form Extension installed (it’s in Polarion by default since 22R2). Then deploy the christmas mode script under [Polarion_Install]/scripts and add the following to the form configuration:
<extension id="velocity_form" label="Make Polarion more festive!" script="christmas.vm"/>
This is the code of the script. Save it as text file with the title “christmas.vm”:
08.12.: Win tickets for the MEDXD2023
As Christmas present for the medtech Polarion community, Avasis is raffling 2 tickets for the next MEDXD conference. Send an email with „MEDXD2023“ to and you will take part. The winners will be drawn on 20.12. and informed per email.
09.10.: Free Rest API Workshop by Garantis
Santa’s little helpers are extremely busy building hundreds of millions of toys for kids around the world. Coordinating tasks with thousands of suppliers is a daunting task. Thanks to the greatly expected REST API elves may connect to suppliers’ multiple tools and use Polarion’s extensive functionality.
Santa GARANTIS is offering a FREE 2-HOUR WORKSHOP FOR EVERY COMPANY in January. In this video he explains which main core REST API functions are already implemented in the NEW Polarion ALM 22R2 and demonstrates how you may connect Polarion to your organization’s toolchain.
Are you also interested? Then take the chance and write an e-mail to with your name and e-mail address. Afterwards you will receive a confirmation email and invitation for the workshop. Disclaimer: Please take into account that email arrivals will only be considered until 25.12.2022 (in the respective time zone).
10.12.: Creating a Wish List using the REST API
Santa’s Wishlist this year should be fast created since the time before Christmas is short this year. With the new REST-API and a JavaScript library it’s easy to implement it without any Velocity coding.
Use OOTB features and combine them with JavaScript libraries to get a quick solution. Find the sample Life Report Page here:
This Live Report page works with the default “DrivePilot” demo project (there are some hardcoded paths for the rest calls). Don’t forget to update to 22R2 and enable the Rest API in the Find the guide how to enable the REST API here. Then you can import this report page by importing a “Page Archive” (can be found below the word import). Then create a personal access token in your “My Account” menu and add it to the variable “token” at the beginning of the page script.
Thank you to our partner Seabay-IT for providing this example!
Seabay-IT: Adopt the newest Polarion technologies for your processes. Find more information about our partner on or contact them via e-mail:
11.12.: How to create your own Advent Calendar
Curious how to create your own Adventcalendar in Polarion itself to surprise your colleagues? Then choose your preferred Christmas picture, think about 24 doors and integrate this into Polarion based on this tutorial:
Happy opening!
12.12.: How to make use of Table Fields in Reports
As we know, Santa really likes Polarion. He tries to optimize the preparation of gifts now making use of the custom field type tables in work items. Check out his small code to create a report, helping him to figure out per family, who gets what and its status.
Find the code snippet and guide for configuration here:
13.12.: Santa showcases holistic Variant Management beyond Polarion – With the new pure::variants Connector
Do you have advanced variant management use cases like the need for managing parametric variability, or for controlling variability across multiple Polarion projects? Do you want to connect your Polarion assets as well as your System Engineering Models, Code and other assets to the same, centralized variant management to achieve consistent reuse across tool borders?
Then have a look at today’s video contribution by pure-systems and see how to successfully master these use cases with the new pure::variants Web Client and the new pure::variants Connector for Polarion.
14.12.: How to make Polarion a tiny bit more Christmassy
Santa wants to make his Polarion system more christmassy by adding tiny Santa hats to work items.
The guide of how to do this:
15.12.: Creating 3D Reports with Highcharts
Have you cleaned you Santa Claus shoes? If so, you will be happy to get free code snippets of 4 useful Highcharts 3D.
Little helpers of Santa GARANTIS want you to try the advantages of Highcharts 3D implementation such as:
- Better data visualization
- Less time to get the information
- Up to date styles and shapes
- Configurable options
- Looks better in presentations and PDFs.
Find the code snippets here.
3D Requirements Overview:
3D Donut Report:
Pyramid View:
Requirements Funnel:
16.12.: Smart Guideline Text for Polarion LiveDocs Templates
Small macro that helps to hide / display relevant guidance texts in Polarion LiveDocs:
17.12.: Live Report based on LiveDocs Selection
Polarion LiveReport that shows requirement statistics by status, severity and also percentage of approved Requirements, also Requirement and Test coverage and all based on the chosen LiveDocs.
Find the download of the report page below. Just import the report page zip file as page archive:

18.12.: Using Classic Wiki Page – Multiply Test Runs
100 Testruns on your wishlist ? Here you go …
Many Polarion users have long wishlists for Christmas. Some wish to get 100 copies of their favorite Testrun. Santa would need to template it, and then create one copy after another… exhausting…
He therefore invented the “Testrun multiplier”, a kind of factory that creates multiple, numbered copies of Testruns. See the video how it works, and download the files here.
User Guide:
19.12.: Free 2 Hours Workshop for ISO26262 Compliance by Garantis
Elves work day and night to keep Santa’s sleigh in good condition. Luckily Garantis knows how to be compliant with ISO 26262 and apply automotive industry’s best practices.

Santa GARANTIS invites you to register for the WORKSHOP and to try the EVALUATION VERSION of the ISO26262 TEMPLATE on his server FOR FREE.
Interested? Then you just need to send an email to . Don’t forget to specify in the subject of the e-mail: FREE WORKSHOP ISO26262 Polarion Template.
Disclaimer: Please take into account that email arrivals will only be considered until 31.12.2022 (in the respective time zone).
20.12.: How Santa checks Present Quality Reports in the Factory
Santa likes to inspect the presents himself by going trough the factory and check the quality reports. Therefore he uses his mobile app developed with Mendix.
Such an app can be quickly developed with our low code platform Mendix. Mendix allows you to create user interfaces of apps per drag and drop and logics can be created in a visualized way, instead of writing everything with code. You can try out Mendix for free. And load the sample Polarion app that works with your Polarion instance (also a local one): Polarion Sample App. The sample app makes use of our Mendix-Polarion integration and showcases how you can create an app for Polarion.
21.12.: Santa Managing his Nice or Naughty List with Polarion
Santa is in his final review of the children’s behaviour and uses Polarion to manage if the children get on the nice or the naughty list this year.
22.12.: Managing Requirements with Parameters
Santas elves have to manage the parameters of requirements. Therefore they are using linked work items and manage them via table view.
To show all linked parameters in the work item form, it uses the velocity form extension (which is installed by default since 22R2) and a simple velocity script. As you can find it in the SOS Template. An example is called “SOS_system_tableWidgetQuery_releases.vm”.
23.12. How to implement Hybrid Clients
Santa dropped his blueprint and tips about how to create the arguably the best integrations for Polarion – Hybrid Clients.
24.12. How Elves do Unscripted Testing
In this door the elves show how they do their unscripted testing – without having to create test cases and test runs first.
Therefore you need two things:
- The Active Questionaire widget installed.
- The example project:
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I love your advent calender, it’s great for gaining insight into what Polarion can do! As a complete newbie I unfortunatly can’t get the first tutorial to work. Is there anything I have to do before copy-pasting the script in the tutorial? Do I have to create a wish work item? Thank you!
Hi Niko,
yes, if you just copy paste the sample code above, it won’t work with every project. You have to adapt the code or the project configuration to fit each other.
For you I uploaded the project from the video:
In the default space you’ll find the report “Send your Wish” configured.
Best regards,
Thank you so much!