
Polarion Advent Calendar 2023

Unwrap daily doses of holiday joy, insights, and surprises as we count down to Christmas. Join us in celebrating the season of giving and knowledge-sharing. Let the festive vibes begin!

Welcome to the Polarion Advent Calendar 2023!

Thank you very much to all our customers, partners and users for this year!

We look forward to the year 2024 with you and wish you all the best until then.

Merry Christmas!

01. December 2023: How Santa uses the invenio Reuse Cockpit to ensure compliance with the latest norms and standards for his presents

Constantly new and updated norms and standards cause a lot of time-consuming project maintenance for Santa’s toy production, which puts pressure on his summer vacation and that of his elves every year. To make sure that every Elve has time to relax, Santa introduced the invenio Reuse Cockpit to be able to incorporate such changes into his projects quickly and easily. Do you have a similar use case to Santa and his elves?

Then contact invenio via their homepage or send an email directly to

Special Thanks to Max Posmek & the invenio Team

02. December 2023: How Santa keeps track of installed extensions

The Plugin Manager for Polarion, developed by Intechcore GmbH and Garantis IT Solutions Ltd., is engineered for effective management of Polarion extensions and server monitoring. This tool integrates seamlessly into the Admin User Interface of Polarion, offering a user-friendly and efficient way to manage and monitor extensions, and various system aspects of the Polarion Server.


– show installed extensions (status, metadata/info)

– system information of the server (memory, cpu, free disk space, etc) – system information about Polarion (memory, configuration info, size of log files, etc)

Key Features:

1. Visibility of Installed Extensions: The Plugin Manager provides a detailed overview of all extensions currently installed on your Polarion Server. This feature allows for easy management and review of added functionalities.

2. Extension Status Monitoring: Stay informed about the operational status of each extension. This includes real-time updates on whether an extension is active.

3. Comprehensive System Information (Server): The tool displays vital system information about the server hosting Polarion. This includes data on memory usage, CPU load, and available disk space, ensuring administrators can monitor and optimize the server’s performance.

4. Detailed Polarion System Insights: Gain deeper insights into the Polarion system itself. The Plugin Manager showcases crucial information such as configuration details, memory usage specific to Polarion, and the size of log files. This aids in efficient system management and troubleshooting.

Polarion Versions supported:
Polarion 2310
Polarion 2304

Contact via Mail to:

Thank you very much to Konstantin Klioutchinski & the Team! 

03. December: Santa’s Elf decided to improve gifts QA by using the new REST API

The joy of Christmas often revolves around the spirit of giving and receiving gifts. While most people hope for a positive and delightful experience during this festive season, a defective present has the potential to dampen the holiday spirit. This year, Santa’s Elf decided to improve gifts QA by using the new REST API endpoints available in Polarion 2310 to import automated CI / CD Test Results from Gitlab in Polarion !

  stage: .post
    - 'curl -X POST "$POLARION_SERVER/rest/v1/projects/$POLARION_PROJECT/testruns" -H  "accept: application/json" -H  "Authorization: Bearer $POLARION_TOKEN" -H  "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"data\":[{\"type\":\"testruns\",\"attributes\":{\"id\":\"$CI_PROJECT_TITLE $CI_PIPELINE_ID\",\"groupId\":\"$CI_PROJECT_TITLE $CI_PIPELINE_ID\",\"title\":\"Title\",\"type\":\"automated\",\"selectTestCasesBy\":\"automatedProcess\",\"useReportFromTemplate\":true},\"relationships\":{\"template\":{\"data\":{\"type\":\"testruns\",\"id\":\"$POLARION_PROJECT/xUnit Build Test\"}}}}]}"'
    - 'curl -X POST "$POLARION_SERVER/rest/v1/projects/$POLARION_PROJECT/testruns/$CI_PROJECT_TITLE%20$CI_PIPELINE_ID/actions/importXUnitTestResults" -H  "accept: application/json" -H  "Authorization: Bearer $POLARION_TOKEN" -H  "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" -d @testresults.xml'

Now, Santa can check the quality of presents and make sure Xmas will go smoothly for everybody!

Special Thanks to Stephane Vayssier!

04. December: Santa can only decline signatures when providing a comment

The digital transformation has also arrived at the North Pole. It is the first year children can submit their wish list via Polarion. Each wish is tracked as a work item within a “wish list” LiveDoc. Before the wishes can be processed, the wish list must be accepted in an assessment center. Unfortunately, some very unrealistic wish lists must be declined. Santa has asked his elves to provide a signature comment whenever they need to decline so the children can learn from their mistakes. To ensure that no elf forgets to write the comment, elf Kevin has implemented this LiveDoc save hook that stops the save process whenever the comment is missing for a declined signature.

Thank you very much to Kevin Schmiechen!  

05. December: Santa is Hiding Unwanted Messages

In the festive glow of twinkling lights and holiday cheer, the team found themselves facing a dilemma – Polarion licenses set to expire. But amidst the decorations, a clever trick emerged: Lift the spirits by cleverly hiding the renewal reminders. In the end, a touch of creativity wrapped the office in the magic of the season!

Thanks to Altug Metin! 

06. December: Santa is Using Polarion Collections

Santa and his team of elves are extremely busy throughout the entire year getting ready for the upcoming Christmas season. All of Santa’s activities require extensive documentation: Toy Development, Childrens’ Wish Lists, Naughty and Nice Lists, Reindeer Vaccinations, Sleigh Maintenance – you name it. Of course, Santa and his team are avid users of Polarion in order to tackle all of this. One of Santa’s favorite Polarion tools is using Collections to keep all of his documentation well organized. However, he realized he needs to be able to export entire Polarion Collections with their content as PDF files, so that he can share them with those not using Polarion, such as the North Pole Toy Inspectors, the Reindeer Veterinarians and so on.  

We listened to Santa’s needs and have developed a quick and easy possibility for him step up his organizational game – export entire Polarion Collections as a single PDF file, which can be configured with the standard PDF settings prior to export. In the holiday spirit, we are sharing this with everyone, so you too can enjoy this neat new feature.  

Just install the Java Plugin on your server and import the LiveReport Page into the desired Polarion project. There you can select the standard PDF settings such as paper size, orientation and other typical settings you may need, choose the Collections you want to export, click on Export and voila, a ZIP file containing your documents is downloaded and ready for use.  

Special Thanks to the Team from Avasis! 

07. December: How Santa exchanges Christmas wishes with internal and external partners

This Document (Santa’s wish List) describes all the wishes, that children have for Christmas worldwide. All these wishes has been sent to Santa Claus directly.  

Santa Claus manages and tracks the order status of these wishes in Siemens Polarion to ensure, that all of these gifts are packaged in a timely manner and therefore can delivered just in time during Christmas Eve. 

Responsible for the internal gift production are Santa Claus Elves, which also use Siemens Polarion. This year, Santa Clauses Elves are being supported by external partners due to the high number of Christmas wishes. The external partner (Elves production company E.P.C.) is currently using MS WORD as exchange format. For a fast and uncomplicated exchange process between Santa’s office and the internal Elves production plant, the ReqIf-format is used. 

A verry merry thank you to Dennis Pfeiffer! 

08. December: Santa says hello!

Today, Davide Gualano will show you how Santa can greet you personally everyday!

A special Thanks to Davide Gualano! 

09. December: Use Collections to organize your documents, dear Santa!

Due to the flood of documents that has arisen in the meantime, Santa does not find the central documents stored in a clear and easily accessible location, so that he can not only manage the gift lists (organize the wish lists and gift lists of children worldwide), but also time management in toy production (monitor production and delivery deadlines) and quality control (store and manage quality standards and control protocols for toys and gifts to ensure consistently high quality).

Now years of expertise are required: how can Santa Claus finally manage to provide all the overarching documents in a way that makes the entire process of his great task less stressful and smoother? We will show him how: use the Collections feature to organize your documents, dear Santa!

These and other first-class consulting services are offered by us – ReQonsult GmbH – thanks to our many years of experience, high level of expertise and unconditional commitment in the areas of Application Lifecycle Management (ALM), Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) and Requirements Engineering.

Contact us for an individual consultation!

Phone: +49 (0)7775 8749094

Thank you very much to the Team from ReQonsult!

10. December: Santa based AI based present decision

Today, Florian Götz shows us how artificial intelligence takes over the gift decision-making for Santa from the children.

Special Thanks to Florian Götz! 

11. December: How Elves Used Diagram Editor to Save Santa from Cloud Mishaps

Last year, Santa had the problem several times that his sleigh was about to tip over with all the packages when clouds suddenly appeared. So he asked his elves to develop an automatic cloud avoidance system. Since the elves had no modeling tool at hand, they used the Diagram Editor for modeling and used it to implement and link Santa’s specifications.

Thank you very much to Alexander Heyers! 

12. December: Christmas Dance

This widget uses the current configured WorkItem types to visualize and make them dance.

Follow the instructions in the zip file to upload it into your Polarion:

A special Thanks to Denis Liwoch! 

13. December: Santa’s workshop is now officially tech-savvy 

In a move that has the elves clicking their pointy shoes, Santa’s workshop is now officially tech-savvy! The big guy has introduced the Wishlist Manager, a digital miracle that lets him instantly check out all the wishes flooding in and coordinate elf activities. 

No more parchment headaches—Santa’s trading scrolls for mouse clicks! 📜➡️💻 Elves are ecstatic, managing the naughty/nice list has never been smoother, and rumor has it, the reindeer are trying to set up Instagram accounts. #SleighSelfie anyone? 

Get ready for a digitally jolly holiday season! 🎅🌐 #SantaUpgrade #ElvesInCyberspace

Thank you very much to Tim Ströbele! 

14. December: Santa uses AI to identify wishes in long letters

Santa can’t read all letters of children thoroughly to extract their wishes and bring them into the pipeline for production in time. Therefore, he lets AI scan the long letters of children for their wishes.

Thank you very much to Florian Götz! 

15. December: Make Santa happy with perfect Resource Traceability comments

Last year, Santa asked me :

“And ? Have you been a good programmer-boy, and did you create all the comments in your sourceccode for the Linked Resources in Polarion ?”

-“Yes, dear Santa ! “

-“And have you checked that you typed all the roles and IDs correctly ? And that you also added other information that I love in the comments, like customfields,  usernames or timestamps ?”

– “Errrrrrrr … ????“

– “Ok, no presents then for you this time !”

Damn, that should never happen to me again – so I created the “Linked Resource Comment Creator” form extension which allows me to easily copy RT comments, with all the information being correct. The ZIP archive contains the file needed and a PDF about how to install and use it.

Santa will be very happy THIS  year…

Thank you very much to Heinz Dresbach!

16. December: Seabay helps packing Santa’s bag

In the North Pole workshop, Santa Claus is meticulously preparing for Christmas Eve, examining wish lists filled with diverse gifts. Each type of gift corresponds to a specific department of skilled elves, such as the Toy, Book, and Candy Departments. The workshop buzzes with activity as elves craft toys, create magical stories, and prepare sugary delights. Santa ensures that every child’s unique request is assigned to the right department, from tech gadgets to special, one-of-a-kind presents. With a twinkle in his eye, Santa collaborates with his dedicated elves, ensuring that his bag is filled with a perfect assortment of gifts to bring joy to children worldwide.

Thank you very much to Rainer Kreutzer from Seabay-IT!

17 December: Opening Historic Versions of Projects – The Easy Way

As every year, Santa is already very busy during the first days of December in preparation for Christmas.
Because of that, he forgot to nominate the elf of the month at the end of November.
Since he is tracking the performance of the elves in Polarion, he also has a nice leaderboard on a LiveReport page showing the current ranking.
The only thing he now needs to do is to open this page for the Polarion revision exactly at midnight between 30th November and 1st December.
Luckily, one of his elves wrote a little script where Santa can either provide a date/time or a Polarion revision and the script will provide a link to open the LiveReport page for the respective revision.
The elf also created a demo video to explain Santa how the script works.

A special Thanks to Kevin Schmiechen!

18. December: A gift from Santa’s little helpers: the Livepage Reuser

Of course, Santa uses many LiveReports, e.g. to check if we all have been good or bad. And of course he has many Polarion projects, like the “Slay electrification project”, the “Reindeer recrution project” etc., etc.

One day, he desperately said : “Gosh, I just improved this great LiveReport here. Very nice ! Do I now really have to copy this report over and over to all the other projects ?” His little helpers heared this sigh and said “Oh, poor Santa… lets go into our garage and build something to help him…”

Next day they returned and said “Look, Santa – we created for you the WOW ! , the ‘Widget of Widgets’. It lets you easily reuse a Livepage across many projects, and even more…”

Santa looked at it and said:

“Yes ! WOW ! … Bring it also to the people !… but only to the good ones … ”

– They ran and said “Of course, dear Santa! “

“…and hey – if it works out, don’t forget do put it on the Extension Portal!”

The ZIP archive contains the files needed and a PDF how to install and use it. Have fun!

Thank you very much to Heinz Dresbach! 

19. December: Holiday Risk Heat Map

A heat map at a glance will organize risk based off of severity and likelihood of the risk. This heat map will link the risk work items so that you can open them inside of the heat map. It was Christmas Eve in Santa’s workshop, where a magical Heat Map organized risks with festive flair. But Frosty, a mischievous glitch, played a prank, causing chaos. The elves swiftly fixed the map, and Santa’s journey resumed smoothly. With the Heat Map guiding him, Santa delivered joy and gifts, making it a magical Christmas night.

Thanks to Sydni-Dee Venter!

20. December: Bubble Charts made Santa’s day

Once upon a frosty workshop day at the North Pole, Santa found himself drowning in a sea of wish lists and toy production data. Frustrated and tangled in tinsel, he stumbled upon a magical bubble chart-making machine hidden behind a pile of candy cane wrappers. As Santa tinkered with the levers and buttons, the machine began to generate whimsical bubble charts that showcased which toys were trending among the nice list. To his surprise, the biggest bubble represented a skyrocketing demand for “Jingle Bell-Flavored Snow Cones,” leaving Santa chuckling at the peculiar taste of the season. With a twinkle in his eye, Santa realized that the bubble charts not only organized the toy preferences but also revealed that the elves were secretly moonlighting as a breakdancing troupe during toy assembly breaks. The workshop transformed into a dance floor, with elves spinning and twirling as they crafted gifts. Amused by the newfound efficiency and entertainment, Santa declared bubble charts the official data visualization tool of the North Pole, ensuring that from that day forward, every toy-making decision would be accompanied by a festive jig and a jolly chart. And so, with bubble charts and breakdancing elves, Santa’s days became merrier than ever at the toy factory. 

Thank you very much to Mohammed Himath Mehdi!

21. December: A card from Santa to the SVN lovers

Thank you very much to Heinz Dresbach!

22. December: Santa’s Sleigh

Alrighty then, buckle up your elf shoes and grab a candy cane because we’re diving into the wild world of Santa’s sleigh development! Picture this: Santa’s got a wishlist longer than the Nice List, and we’re here to make sure his ride is not just red and shiny but also high-tech and ready to dash through the snow with style.So, how do we pull this off? Well, folks, get ready to manage the magic with Polarion (ALM). We’re not just dealing with regular requirements; we’re talking about Santa’s wish list, and we all know he’s a demanding guy. But fear not, we’ll use Polarion to keep things as organized as a perfectly wrapped present.And that’s not all, my festive friends! We’re not just slapping together a sleigh; we’re orchestrating a 3D masterpiece. Think of it as Santa’s own sleigh-magination coming to life. How do we make sure it’s not just a bunch of jingle bells and whistles? Well, that’s where Teamcenter as PLM comes in – the magical workshop where we handle the Bill of Materials like it’s the recipe for the perfect batch of gingerbread cookies.So, grab your pointy ears and get ready for a development journey merrier than a sleigh ride with a chorus of caroling reindeer. Because when it comes to Santa’s sleigh, we’re not just delivering a product; we’re delivering pure, unadulterated holiday cheer with a sprinkle of elfin engineering magic!

A special Thanks to Lionel Voillat! 

23. December: Create your Christmas Cards with Polarion!

Tangled in tinsel with a mountain of Christmas cards to conquer? Fear not, holiday hero! Dive into Polarion’s upgraded Diagram Editor, where creating festive cards is easier than untangling Christmas lights. Make ’em interactive, because nothing says “Happy Holidays” like a card that winks back.

Now, instead of wrestling with your to-do list, you’ve got time to hit the shops and dodge those last-minute gift grabs. So, grab a cup of cocoa, unleash your inner Santa’s helper on Polarion, and let the jolly times roll!

As you see, the website is very handy. It is not associated in any way with Siemens. Please make sure that you respect their terms and conditions. 

Thank you very much to Heinz Dresbach! 

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