The inner working of an electrical propulsion system for an urban air mobility vehicle.

Generative Design for Electrical Systems Part Two – Maturing Your Digital Transformation

Welcome to Talking Aerospace Today – a podcast for the aerospace and defense industry. A place that brings the promise of tomorrow’s…

A dashboard with multiple flight instruments in a jet cockpit.

Generative Design for Electrical Systems Part One – Maturing Your Digital Transformation

Welcome to Talking Aerospace Today – a podcast for the aerospace and defense industry. A place that brings the promise of tomorrow’s…

Bringing Sustainability and Privacy to Autonomous Ride-Sharing with Felix Andlauer – Part 2

Autonomous vehicle (AV) design is complex, to say the least… Follow us on: iTunes Google Podcasts Spotify Stitcher TuneIn RSS…

Bringing Sustainability and Privacy to Autonomous Ride-Sharing with Felix Andlauer – Part 1

Are ride-sharing and privacy mutually exclusive? They don’t have to be… Follow us on: iTunes Google Podcasts Spotify Stitcher TuneIn…

Formula One Car Design with Bob Bell – Part 2

What happens to die hard fans that love roar of engines if F1 goes electric?  Hear this and more… Follow…

Digital Transformation of the Car Development Process with Dr. Siegmar Haasis – Part 2

What does it take to design and build a car today? Follow us on: iTunes Google Podcasts Spotify Stitcher TuneIn…

Digital Transformation of the Car Development Process with Dr. Siegmar Haasis – Part 1

How market trends, systems engineering and digital twins are reshaping the auto industry. Follow us on: iTunes Google Podcasts Spotify…

Democratizing Air Mobility with Jon Rimanelli – Part 2

Urban aircraft will transform air mobility between cities, suburbs, and airports… How? When? Follow us on: iTunes Google Podcasts Spotify…

Democratizing Air Mobility with Jon Rimanelli – Part 1

Fitting air taxis and Urban Air Vehicles into the whole mobility scheme. Follow us on: iTunes Google Podcasts Spotify Stitcher…