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Spacemanic Launches the First Nanosatellites in Slovakia

We’re living in a time when space is becoming more accessible every day. Satellite technology is growing, and savvy entrepreneurs…

Electrical Systems podcast (Ep. #4): “Addressing Electrical Design Compliance and Certification”

As we experience higher levels of complexity throughout the industry, the traditional approach to electrical design compliance and certification needs…

Sustainable Solutions for Cities of Tomorrow, Andrea Kollmorgen Vice President, Connected eMobility Siemens

Women Driving the Future: Andrea Kollmorgen Siemens If you created a wish list for the cities of the future, what…

WTMT#3: The Future of AI and Machine Learning feat. Ron Bodkin (Vector Institute, fmr. Google Cloud CTO Office)

“Suddenly, we’re realizing that even things that at first blush probably appear to be innocuous and low stakes… these, at…

Rethinking the Manufacturing Inspection Process with LINQcase

Manufacturing processes are a constant area of innovation. Companies are always looking for ways to make production more efficient, more…

Digitalization Impacting Engineering Education

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, teachers and students alike have had to adjust their educational strategies to fit…

Electrical Systems podcast (Ep. #3): “Change Management and the Digital Thread”

The disruptive force behind change. In our industry, the ripple effects of a late-stage change can have unfortunate consequences. Change…

Better Health and Well Being through Urban Design with Kathryn Firth, Partner FPdesign

Women Driving the Future: Kathryn Firth Partner FPdesign The moment you hop on the bus, the subway, or crawl into…

additive manufacturing

Additive manufacturing – an industrial revolution (Part 5) – challenges and future of AM

Additive manufacturing is a greenfield technology, and it’s so rare in a career that you get to work on something…