D-Cubed CDM version 57

D-Cubed CDM Version 57.0

Key enhancements introduced in version 57.0 of D-Cubed CDM (Collision Detection Manager) are described below. Support for closest approach between…

D-Cubed HLM version 57

D-Cubed HLM Version 57.0

Key enhancements introduced in version 57.0 of D-Cubed HLM (Hidden Line Manager) are described below. Reduced memory overhead A set…

D-Cubed AEM version 57

D-Cubed AEM Version 57.0

Key enhancements introduced in version 57.0 of D-Cubed AEM (Assembly Engineering Manager) are described below. Enhancements to contact computations AEM…

software startup shapr3d uses Parasolid and D-Cubed components

Software startup reduces risk and accelerates time-to-market with PLM Components

Congratulations to Shapr3D, the Budapest-based software startup that recently secured $6M in series A financing. The funding will enable the…

PLM Components Innovation Conference, 24th-25th September 2018 – Review

More than a hundred delegates gathered in the autumnal sunshine at Downing College, Cambridge, where we hosted our second PLM Components Innovation Conference.

The keynote presentation set…

Component-Based Software Engineering

Analysis and survey

I just read an excellent  articleabout Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE) which I wanted to share with our customers. The author is J…

A Critic’s Perspective: Dr. Ken Versprille on the PLM Components Conference

Dr. Ken Versprille is a well respected CAD pioneer; his research and contributions to the industry are numerous and span over 35 years. He was the lead architect on the CADDS 4 product, the leader of…

PLM Components Innovation Conference 2016 – Content Available

We just returned from hosting our first conference for customers, partners and industry analysts seeking to exchange ideas, best practices and experiences with Parasolid, D-Cubed, Kineo and the JT To…