Siemens Digital Industries Software Blog Network

Siemens Digital Industries Software Blogs

Corporate Blog

Best of 2012 on the Siemens PLM Blog

Image courtesy of Flickr As we move into 2013 and look forward to all the great conversations around PLM, I couldn't help look back on some of the great moments of 2012. I've pulled the top pos...


Polarion and Windows 8/IE10

If you were looking for support for Windows 8 and Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 in our recent service release 3 and were disappointed not to see it announced, please don't let it run your holidays. ...

Embedded Software

Holiday time!

I am sorry that my posting yesterday was less than cheerful. I just needed to get that off of my...

Corporate Blog

Math-mazing Snowflakes

For you student and real-life engineers who want some inspiration beyond Mayan math today, I thought I’d share the latest in mathematician Vihart’s fun and educational videos. Check out Snowflakes, S...

Embedded Software

This cannot continue

Today I am going to break my self-imposed rule, with regard to what I discuss in this blog, and touch...

Embedded Software

Not so much of a puzzle

Yesterday evening we had dinner with friends. The guy works on real time control systems and was talking about the...

Corporate Blog

Perfect Costing Solution: A conversation with Rohit Tangri

It's hard to keep up with Siemens' pace of buying companies. Three announcements of intent to purchase three different companies in three months. Recently, Dora Smith interviewed Siemens PLM CEO Chuc...

Embedded Software

Another article

The second of my series of articles on has now been published. You can see it here.

Embedded Software

Why bother with a DSLR?

One of my main hobbies is photography, which I have talked about before [here and here for example]. To me,...