Siemens Digital Industries Software Blog Network

Siemens Digital Industries Software Blogs


5 Things Most Subversion Users Don't Know Are Even Possible

When Subversion came on the scene, it quickly became the market leading version control system, relegating all others to virtual obsolescence — something unprecedented for an open source product. But...

Electronic Systems Design

Finding EDA in social mEDiA

I’ve read several articles over the past few years that explore what the fit for social media outlets like Twitter,...

Simulating the Real World

Top 10 FloTHERM V10 Features - #1: New GUI

FloTHERM V10 is a major release that marks 25 years as the leading electronics thermal simulation tool. This series will...

Corporate Blog

PLM Framework for Sustainable Product Design

This morning I have another guest post from Kerri Doyle. Last time we caught up with her, she filled us in on Teamcenter issue management & CAPA, however, lately she's been feeling a bit gre...

NX Design

NX 9.0.1 now available

The first maintenance release of NX9 is now available for download on-line.  A copy of the Release Letter and information on changes is provided in the "docs" fold...

Embedded Software

Me and my iPad

Like most people nowadays, my life is littered with electronic devices. My iPad is special though, partly because I bought...

Solid Edge

Design for 3D Printing

As I sit here today in my office, watching the snow falling, crippling much of the south-east US, I'm reminded in a very visual way about a topic that I've been wanting to write about for some time n...

Embedded Software

Google hangout on IoT

The Internet of Things is a big issue right now, which I wrote about a few months back. Tomorrow I...

Electronic Systems Design

Big Things Coming With PADS!

I’m frequently asked what’s happening with PADS? The answer – lots! At the end of the month we’ll be announcing...