
Utilize Smart Manufacturing technologies to speed up your time-to-market

By Alessandro Cereseto

In today’s fast-paced market, aerospace and defense companies face the challenge of delivering innovative products quickly, while still meeting certification and budget requirements. So, how can your company shorten its time-to-market and stay ahead of the competition? The answer lies in leveraging smart manufacturing technologies.

With a smart manufacturing solution, you can accelerate the development of your aerospace and defense components, systems, and assemblies. By utilizing a collaborative and interconnected platform, you can streamline your product and process development schedules, giving you a competitive advantage.

But the benefits of smart manufacturing don’t stop there. It offers an end-to-end, model-based digital manufacturing process that improves production rate ramp-up and quality. With closed-loop manufacturing systems, you can continually improve your products and processes, ensuring consistent quality and optimal performance.

The power of smart manufacturing lies in its ability to connect all engineering disciplines and processes, allowing you to develop model-based manufacturing plans. By creating a virtual environment with a comprehensive digital twin, you can plan, optimize, and test your factory floor virtually before bringing it to life physically.

Once on the production floor, a flexible and connected Manufacturing Execution System (MES) becomes the backbone of your smart manufacturing operations. It ensures seamless alignment between the as-built product and the as-designed product, enabling you to perfect your products and processes for the future of manufacturing.

Through complete visibility, control, and optimization of product quality and production efficiencies, a connected MES contributes to rapid time-to-market. Your production lines will accelerate, and throughput will increase, all while consistently meeting certification requirements.

In summary, smart manufacturing technologies offer a game-changing solution for aerospace and defense companies looking to speed up their time-to-market. With its collaborative and interconnected platform, model-based digital manufacturing process, and flexible MES, you can achieve seamless integration, optimize production, and consistently deliver high-quality products. Stay ahead of the competition and embrace the power of smart manufacturing for your business.

Improve Your Time-to-Market with Smart Manufacturing

In the fast-paced world of manufacturing, staying ahead of the competition means getting your products to market faster than ever before. Smart manufacturing offers a solution to this challenge by revolutionizing your operations and boosting your time-to-market.

A crucial component of smart manufacturing is a connected Manufacturing Execution System (MES). This powerful system not only helps you meet line speed and throughput targets, but it also supports your journey towards becoming a factory of the future. As you expand your capabilities and embrace advanced manufacturing technologies like composites, additive manufacturing (AM), augmented reality (AR), and virtual reality (VR), the MES acts as an orchestrator, seamlessly integrating legacy equipment updates and cutting-edge technologies.

By leveraging these advancements, your manufacturing excellence and time-to-market will continuously improve, ensuring your business thrives in the ever-evolving landscape.

In addition to upgrading your manufacturing processes, achieving the perfect balance of performance, cost, and service requires integrating both internal and external logistics, procurement, and material flow. Syncing internal and external logistics is essential to avoid production bottlenecks and effectively manage fluctuations. This entails coordinating production figures, technical resources, and transport and storage capacities, while applying predictive planning to production processes and the supporting transport and logistics services.

Siemens Digital Industries Software understands the complexities of the manufacturing industry. We offer cloud-based software platforms and solutions that bring together industry logistics to create a stellar combination. Our digital solutions facilitate smooth collaboration among all supply chain players, providing end-to-end visibility for planning, simulating, and optimizing logistics processes.

To experience the benefits of smart manufacturing and Opcenter MES, we invite you to try our Trial. See how our solutions can not only help you achieve line speed and throughput targets, but also support your current manufacturing operations and guide your digital transformation towards the factory of the future.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to improve your time-to-market and streamline your manufacturing processes. Embrace the power of smart manufacturing today and unlock the full potential of your business.

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