
MESA Smart Story: Defining closed-loop manufacturing


Using manufacturing operations management to power smart manufacturing. Download here:

As a manufacturing leader, whether you have embarked on your digitalization journey, are laying the plans or just determining your course, one fact is clear: The journey must be taken if you want to continue to be a manufacturing leader in the next decade. The manufacturing industry is entering a new industrial revolution; it is called Industry 4.0., the Internet of Things (IoT) or Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), digital transformation or simply smart manufacturing. Whatever you call it, it is complex, and represents more of an evolution than a revolution.

The journey requires careful planning even before all of the components of the new infrastructure have been developed. Every company will need to define goals and build an operational architecture that includes existing and new solutions. That infrastructure will need to be built to anticipate new equipment, systems, information, connections and participants that are not yet available or identified.

Download this white paper to understand what manufacturers should be anticipating on their digital transformation journey, and what they should do now to capture the advantages this new era promises. How can they create a technology infrastructure capable of harnessing the power of massive data, and then convert that data into greater efficiency and quality?

There are many disciplines involved, but at the heart of manufacturing is where our envisioned products become real – production. The center of the digital infrastructure is manufacturing operations management (MOM). Take a look at MOM within the overall architecture and learn about the requirements to close the loop in the Digital Enterprise.

Just like the products we manufacture, the quality of the Digital Enterprise foundation will determine market success. What does your company need to do today to be a Digital Enterprise leader of tomorrow?

Download the MESA Smart Story here:

Eric Mitchell

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