Video: Optimized machining with robots

In this video, “Optimized machining with robots — using NX CAM Robotics Programming, SINUMERIK Integrate, and Run MyRobot,” Siemens‘ Michael Strahlberger and Matthias Leinberger explain how you can program a complex 6-axis kinematics for machining operations with robots.
We see a clear trend to up value handling of robots on machine tools with machining tasks. Besides loading and unloading of parts, handling of robots can also debur, polish and clean them.
Users can easily operate their machines and integrated Kuka robots, using SINUMERIK 840d sl and Run MyRobot. Programming and operation is done with a familiar user interface SINUMERIK Operate.
But how can you program a complex 6-axis kinematics for machining operations with robots?
For these tasks, the new programming solution NX CAM Robotics Programming supports the manufacturing engineer. It enables the manufacturer to program a robot for applications such as cutting, trimming, belt grinding, etc. using the known NX CAM CNC programming methods.
With its intuitive and widely recognized NX 3D environment, this software combines the simplicity of CNC programming with the ability to develop, validate and simulate high precision complex robotic machining processes for the SINUMERIK CNC Controller.
With the combination of robot and machine tool for both handling machining tasks we can significantly increase the productivity of the entire manufacturing cell.
For the user, NX CAM Robotics provides a complete set of programming options for SINUMERIK, a well-known CAM environment. Get faster from the drawing to the finished part with a robotics integrated CAD/CAM CNC process chain by Siemens.
To learn more about NX CAM Robotics Programming, view our 3.5 minute video, “Introducing NX CAM Robotics Overview”
And, check out our Tech Tip, “Use Robots in Your NX CAM Setups”