
We Want You for Our Next Community Highlight

By William Chanatry

1988 to 2018.jpgAbove image taken in 1988. Bottom image taken 2018Have a CAD story? Have you been in the CAD, or engineering field your whole life?

Take Vice President of Product Engineering Software, Bob Haubrock for example. Started out developing the next version of SDRC’s I-DEAS product back in the 80’s, and continued on through the many transitions of the company. Now of course, we see Bob at a senior executive role at Siemens! You can find Bob talking about all the different aspects in industry which NX is the perfect solution for. Both in our present day industry and whatever the future holds. 

 So whether you’re brand new in the field or a seasoned veteran, we are looking for those who use NX to share their story. Take a look at some examples below: 

Pear.jpg Here’s an example of one we had done last year with superuser Magnus Skogsfjord. This entails an interview of how Magnus creates his incredible imagery. Creating the designs in NX and rendering them in Keyshot. 

RileyAtAvantMfg (1).pngThis is Riley. Her responsibility is keeping morale high.Here’s another example of one that Eric from Avant Manufacturing had done himself. He tells the story of his ambitions that he has for his one man one dog CNC shop, and explains why he chose NX for the job. 

So if you would like to share your work, story, or thoughts on CAD please reach out to me either by leaving a comment below, or messaging me directly @chanatwr

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at