
The Objet of My Affections

Some of you have told me that I have got to see the quality parts coming from Objet 3D printers.  Well, I did and I’m impressed.  They are pushing the envelope on the types of materials they can use.  If you have not looked at the technology lately, you definitely want to be at Solid Edge University next week.

Not only will Objet be there with their wonderful additive manufacturing machines, we have also teamed up to bring in industry expert Dr. Phil Reeves, Managing Director of Econolyst Ltd. for an introduction to additive manufacturing. If you are evaluating the benefits of this technology for your company, this is a “must attend event”.

Here’s a Q and A with this rather fascinating company:

How does your company plan to achieve world domination and how will your products help do this?

Compared to other main players in the 3D printing (additive manufacturing) segment, Objet is the youngest and I would say, the most dynamic, fastest growing and most innovative company out there. Objet additive manufacturing solutions allow designer, engineers and manufacturers to prototype their parts and assemblies quickly & accurately. Objet is also the only additive manufacturing technology capable of printing multi-material models such as rigid and flexible, opaque and transparent etc., within the same 3D printed part.With over 100 different material combinations (Digital Materials) available and up to 14 different materials in one part, there is no doubt that Objet represents the best overall set of capabilities for enabling a shorter, more efficient and safer product design cycle. Currently Objet has an install base of over 4000 machines worldwide serving leading companies in the Fortune 100 & 500 lists, in almost every industry and many universities and colleges.

Does your product incorporate lasers?  If not, should it?

Objet’s products do not utilize lasers! Our products are based on inkjet technology, that we believe is best positioned to usher in the 3rd Industrial Revolution! In additive manufacturing, laser is considered more “old school” technology while inkjet, with its high industry investment from the 2D printing leaders, exponential material possibilities and endless scalability allows Objet to continually introduce solutions that drive innovation.

What can a customer do with your product? Who is your ideal customer?

The only limit to an Objet 3D printer is the users’ imagination and creativity (unless that customer imagines creating a good cup of coffee – for that there are other machines, designed using our technology!). Customers are using our machines to communicate their ideas, to verify their designs, to minimize their time wastage, to save costly mistakes and to set their creativity free. Many of our customers are also saving people’slives by using our technology to produce medical device prototypes and models that help them plan for complex medical procedures. Objet’s ideal customer is anyone who creates 3D content (be it CAD generated, reverse engineered or medical scanning) who wants/needs to have his /hers content as a tangible, functional model – a designer, engineer, artist, physician, architect, student, researcher or even a hobbyist.

How can our readers join you in your plan for world domination?

Readers of this blog can become part of the Objet effort to improve our world by first of all realizing that this technology is already a part of their lives and is readily available. Start using Objet parts to bring your creative ideas to life! Turn your designs into better end-products! Tell your friends and family about the new industrial revolution that is now unfolding before our eyes! Start reading the Objet Blog to get new ideas and see what others are now achieving with the technology! Connect to us on Facebook . Follow us on Twitter . Watch our clips on our YouTube channel and make sure to get in touch with us to share your thoughts , photos, videos and wishes. (We are available at:

BTW, check out some of these great examples of what you can do:

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at