
Storms in Alabama

I’m heading out of Huntsville, Al on my way to PLM Connection today.  You have likely heard about the severe storms that ripped through the south east the last few days and I’ve been hopping around the state catching up with family.  Tuscaloosa, where my daughter lives was hit very hard. The University of Alabama is fine but the city was hit hard.  Here is the Krispy Kreme Donut shop where we would always get donuts on the way out of town.

The Madison county area was hit hard too.  This is where Solid Edge is developed and the facilities and basically the entire city of Huntsville are still without power. Over the last few days, cell phone coverage has been recovering.  There is still a dusk to dawn curfew but the airport and hospitals have power and I’m seeing lot community camaraderie.

If you want to help out, please check out the Red Cross or your favorite charity.  For the Solid Edge team, I expect our lives to return to normal fairly quickly but for the people that lost family members or homes it will take much longer.

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