
Solid Edge Tips & Tricks – Select Assembly Reference Planes

My apologies for this edition of Tip & Tricks coming late on Tuesday night. We’ve been busy working on announcements about…well, I can’t tell you…YET. We’ll just say they’re are coming soon wink

Russ tells me that this tip & trick is about selecting assembly reference planes. While In place activate (IPA) into a part or subassembly, you can locate the top level’s reference planes by holding down the SHIFT key.

We’ve done four of these so far and all my “Edgers” and “Edgelings” have been quiet. We want to hear from you! Are these useful? Is there a tip or trick you have that you would like us to cover? Post a comment or email me at susan dot cinadr at siemens dot com.


Note: The video above is pulled from YouTube. If you subscribe to Siemens PLM channel, you can be notified right away when we post the latest video from our Tips & Tricks series. Recently, I created a playlist on YouTube just for the Tips & Tricks, check it out here. We also realize that some of you do not have access to YouTube, so you can always check out the Solid Edge Demo Page.

Susan Cinadr

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at