
Solid Edge ST at PLM Connection – Day 1

Dan Staples talks about the next evolution in Synchronous Technology

In terms of content, the first day of PLM Connection has gone as you might expect.  Dan Staples got a shout out from Tony Affuso for the Synchronous Technology patents, which was cool.  Dan later made a keynote presentation discussing how marketing (and sales) is starting to impact how products are designed.For those of you that use power tools, you may know this already.   Certain brands make use of certain colors to differentiate them from their competitors.  Dan Vinson then did back to back presentations on Solid Edge.

We are talking Solid Edge ST3 this week as ST4 is not quite ready to go public.  However, Dan did slip in a few ST4 peeks and even showed off some assembly level mid surfacing that is coming in ST4 (I figure if he can show it, I can mention it in my blog 🙂 ) You FEA users probably have some ideas how this might be useful.

Laura Watson made a presentation later in the day also touching a bit on ST4. For example, Solid Edge ST4 will support Windows XP. She did ask for a show of hands and it appears most people are now on Windows 7.

I was pleasantly surprised by the turnout this year.I was thinking that the ST4 Launch event next month would draw people away since it can be hard to justify two trips. However, wehad to move the Solid Edge presentations to a larger room as Dan’s keynote has people standing around the walls. We weren’t plagued by floods like last year, the economy is better and Vegas seems to be a popular place to visit so that may have helped.Regardless of the reason, it is nice to see the growth in Solid Edge community.

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at